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97 Baron Davis or 96 Steve Francis?


Rookie 3
Staff member
I haven't used Steve Francis, so can't comment there - but stay far away from Baron, he is rubbish.

I really had a blast using 97 Payton and now will probably replace him with the 98 card.

Payton. Great defensive & 3 point shooter with decent steal ability (Payton)


Rookie 1
I haven't used Steve Francis, so can't comment there - but stay far away from Baron, he is rubbish.

I really had a blast using 97 Payton and now will probably replace him with the 98 card.

Payton. Great defensive & 3 point shooter with decent steal ability (Payton)

K thanks my dude!


Rookie 1
I have Platinum Davis, and he has been great for me. Knockdown shooter, good speed, and quick dribble moves. I've also heard his AI is really pesky and hard to steal from.

Army Nael

Rookie 1
I had Davis, he's good. He's quick, has decent inside shot, good at dunking and scoring with contact, good at ball handling - AI opponents having hard time to steal. Cons is not so good at mid range. Also bad at rebounding, can't rebound even if he has good position.


Rookie 1
Between the two. I say Platnum Davis. But if I can add, I would say Payton. That?s whom I?m working towards.

I?m using Davis and he is solid for me. Of course when EA doesn?t rigg the matches.


Rookie 1
I find they are good on AI but manual, I am not sure. Baron you can get for 1 mill something only while Francis is much more. I found Baron for 900.000 coins at that time but I go for Isiah Thomas because too much Davis when you play showdown or league. But if you considering this 2, I will go for Davis cos his ovr is higher and price cheaper.


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