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94 GHOST Rui Hachimura


Rookie 1
This card is has been unstoppable in SD and lvl . almost automatic inside scoring and can hit consecutive contested 3ball and a buzzer beater that won't miss -

Defence almost on par with 94 Pippen . He is 6'9 and that helps a lot over Pippen .

I thought 93 Luka will be a good card but after playing with the both cards , Rui was way better on defence and his offence that will work against any sf rn in the game rn .

Great card -


Rookie 3
I had the complete opposite experience with this card, and sold him after a few days.

Unfortunately for me, I bought and sold him at a terrible time. Sniped him for 1.8M and resold him for 2.2M, but I now see him sold for much more than that


All-Star 1
I had the complete opposite experience with this card, and sold him after a few days.

Unfortunately for me, I bought and sold him at a terrible time. Sniped him for 1.8M and resold him for 2.2M, but I now see him sold for much more than that
I think his value increased siginficantly once it was clear that Doncic BB was nerfed but his worked "fine". If everyone had the same experience as you with his BB then his value wouldn't be higher than Doncic in the AH but that's not the case.


Rookie 1
This card is has been unstoppable in SD and lvl . almost automatic inside scoring and can hit consecutive contested 3ball and a buzzer beater that won't miss -

Defence almost on par with 94 Pippen . He is 6'9 and that helps a lot over Pippen .

I thought 93 Luka will be a good card but after playing with the both cards , Rui was way better on defence and his offence that will work against any sf rn in the game rn .

Great card -
I never got rui.


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