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83 OVL Blake Griffin


Rookie 1
I have both the Halloween and Elevate versions of 83 OVL Blake Griffin, and the detailed attributes of the Halloween version is much better in nearly every category, but the Elevate version has better main attributes, is this a glitch?


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
No this isn't a glitch that's how EA made the card free cards have worse stats the real one you should compare is the 82 Griffin leveled up to 83 because that was a pack card thus has way better stats


Rookie 1
If I have the Halloween version of Blake Griffin in my lineup, the "Update Team" button is activated, even though the Halloween version of Blake Griffin has better detailed stats. But the "Update Team" button is greyed out if I have the Elevate version in my lineup.

By free cards, do you mean the Elevate card or Halloween? as I think they were both free. The Elevate version is the only one I can level up and it's at 83.

I still can't understand why the Elevate version shows better stats on the main attribute screen, but worse detailed stats.
Some (all? most? idk) cards have what are called hidden stats. Stats that we physically can't see, but EA knows of them. I have found that both Elevate cards, especially Westbrook, benefit from hidden stats, so it's hard to take their shown stats at face value.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
If I have the Halloween version of Blake Griffin in my lineup, the "Update Team" button is activated, even though the Halloween version of Blake Griffin has better detailed stats. But the "Update Team" button is greyed out if I have the Elevate version in my lineup.

By free cards, do you mean the Elevate card or Halloween? as I think they were both free. The Elevate version is the only one I can level up and it's at 83.

I still can't understand why the Elevate version shows better stats on the main attribute screen, but worse detailed stats.

Free as in you get that card guaranteed for doing nothing like Griffin and Westbrook you got a 70 of them for no effort at all you just had to train it up after that the Halloween cards can be free but you're not guaranteed that specific card from the pack and also they are part of a promo meaning they won't make anymore after the promo ends but Westbrook and Griffin were an exclusive program that will have an update in the next few weeks with new players


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