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82 Devin Harris Event


Rookie 1
It is literally impossible to complete. I've tried it many times, still won't go in. It just keeps rolling off the rim ??


Pro 1
Just drive to the paint and press auto play once in the paint. If they didn?t fix that glitch then you should just be able to do that and complete it easily


Rookie 2
Took me 25 tries to get it....I just decided to not bother firing when it reached 20% in the meter range.

I overshot, and Harris still managed to score. FInally then, I was happy enough to sleep after a long day at work.


Pro 1
No more autoplay glitch...
But Think they improved the chances of the shot though or maybe i got lucky. Got it in the 1st try

You got lucky. I tried over 50 times. At least 10 open shots. Nothing.

The idiot that did this must work for 2k or something :x
Speaking of which, let?s give another shot to that and other games that have been waiting their turn...


All-Star 3
No more autoplay glitch...
But Think they improved the chances of the shot though or maybe i got lucky. Got it in the 1st try

You got lucky. I tried over 50 times. At least 10 open shots. Nothing.

The idiot that did this must work for 2k or something :x
Speaking of which, let?s give another shot to that and other games that have been waiting their turn...
Dont worry .. karma came back to bite me today.. 150+ times for rider event..still no luck


All-Star 1
But Think they improved the chances of the shot though or maybe i got lucky. Got it in the 1st try

You got lucky. I tried over 50 times. At least 10 open shots. Nothing.

The idiot that did this must work for 2k or something :x
Speaking of which, let?s give another shot to that and other games that have been waiting their turn...
Dont worry .. karma came back to bite me today.. 150+ times for rider event..still no luck
I had perfect, open releases over and over that missed. Then I tried the same thing with clock expiring (shot in air with under a second) and swished the first one. The only variable that changed was the time remaining on the clock so try to shoot with as little time as possible. I?d say I was middle front in the zone as well. Closer is likely better.


Pro 1
You got lucky. I tried over 50 times. At least 10 open shots. Nothing.

The idiot that did this must work for 2k or something :x
Speaking of which, let?s give another shot to that and other games that have been waiting their turn...
Dont worry .. karma came back to bite me today.. 150+ times for rider event..still no luck
I had perfect, open releases over and over that missed. Then I tried the same thing with clock expiring (shot in air with under a second) and swished the first one. The only variable that changed was the time remaining on the clock so try to shoot with as little time as possible. I?d say I was middle front in the zone as well. Closer is likely better.

Finally got it and Beta's advise was a good one: i made it with one those last tenth-of-a-second-left shots that doesn't even show the shot meter.


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