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81 Halloween Jokic, 81 OSM Jordan or 82 TOH Howard

Which of them centers are better? Both on AI and not. Just got Howard from Tip-Off Elite Heroes set... I'm currently using Jokic as my starting center. Or is MM Embid still better? He's currently at 81 OVR and still working on getting the next upgrade token for him.

Any advice is gladly appreciated... :)


Rookie 1
if I were u I wouldn't go for the final embiid level unless u like playing get loose. I haven't tried any of them, so I don't feel qualified to give advice, but if u want overall than use dwight
Thanks for the advice... based on the game I played... both Jokic and Howard can do rebounds well (i haven't played against any of the two, so I still don't know who has the best AI)... but I'll go with Jokic, as he has a much higher 3 point shot than Howard... I am going for a team with high percentage 3 point shot...


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Embiid over all of them imo and yes go for 82 Embiid as it's only 10 stamina a day and every 5 days gives you a pro pack


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
A lot of people are raving about Halloween Jokic and Cousins right now.

Yeah if Cousins was one of the options I would choose him Jokic is too slow for me (sadly I can't sell him) and Howard/Jordan aren't blazing fast and have no offense capabilities so they aren't even close to an option imo because a slow defensive only C is useless imo I'd take an all around C like Cousins or Embiid that fits every style
Thanks for the advice guys... I'm still grinding Embid... Still need a few days till I get the next token... Haven't got Cousins, that's why I didn't include him on the list... Hoping to get him soon :D
Thanks for the advice guys... I'm still grinding Embid... Still need a few days till I get the next token... Haven't got Cousins, that's why I didn't include him on the list... Hoping to get him soon :D

Hey...I know you said your Embiid is at 81, so that means the 75 win requirement is all you have left. We have all been wondering if that's 75 first wins, or do repeat wins count. You said you only need a few more days til the next token. When you say a few, do you mean like 5-6, or like 20+? Asking because maybe you know something about the token that hasn't been shared by others.
Thanks for the advice guys... I'm still grinding Embid... Still need a few days till I get the next token... Haven't got Cousins, that's why I didn't include him on the list... Hoping to get him soon :D

Hey...I know you said your Embiid is at 81, so that means the 75 win requirement is all you have left. We have all been wondering if that's 75 first wins, or do repeat wins count. You said you only need a few more days til the next token. When you say a few, do you mean like 5-6, or like 20+? Asking because maybe you know something about the token that hasn't been shared by others.

I still had like 20+ days till I get the last token...
Thanks for the advice guys... I'm still grinding Embid... Still need a few days till I get the next token... Haven't got Cousins, that's why I didn't include him on the list... Hoping to get him soon :D

Hey...I know you said your Embiid is at 81, so that means the 75 win requirement is all you have left. We have all been wondering if that's 75 first wins, or do repeat wins count. You said you only need a few more days til the next token. When you say a few, do you mean like 5-6, or like 20+? Asking because maybe you know something about the token that hasn't been shared by others.

I still had like 20+ days till I get the last token...

Oh ok. I thought maybe you found out that you can play it more than once a day to get to 75 quicker.


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