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3v3 Promo: Uproar


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
And by that do they mean the morning of June 7th (North America) because this wasn't fixed with this morning's maintenance and there was no make good...
They always mean North America the game is made in the Orlando area of Florida so it will always be based on the time of their company building


Rookie 1
They always mean North America the game is made in the Orlando area of Florida so it will always be based on the time of their company building

It was supposed to be this morning....but I guess there was a delay says something about still running numbers re: make - good....but they didn't fix the problem yet either.


Rookie 1
Its EA..
They acknowledged it.. thats a victory.. lol
LOL. Well happy to report the earlier maintenance fixed the problem, now getting the 50% bonus......still waiting on the make good, and it seems like something has gone wrong that suddenly a ton of users aren't able to connect to the game, and the old uninstall/reinstall isn't solving the issue.

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
Is thwre any hiden pack in this promo after 40k pts...i got one finals pack with elite&golden tokens inside when i reach 30k pts?
Is thwre any hiden pack in this promo after 40k pts...i got one finals pack with elite&golden tokens inside when i reach 30k pts?
I wanna know the same thing. I wanna stop now that I have Westbrook but if they are more finals tokens before 40k I will have to continue grinding to get them.


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