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3v3 Promo: Barry Farms (Washington D.C.)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief

For the fourth stop on our 3v3 tour, we take you to Barry Farms where a love for basketball creates a tight knit community of politicans, educators, NBA stars and local residents.

Come play outside on the Barry Farms (or George Goodman League) court with some notable locals that were either born or raised nearby, like Carmelo Anthony and Moses Malone.

Campaign Dates
Live Date: May 9, 2019 at 10:00 AM EST

End Date: May 14, 2019 at 10:00 AM EST

Campaign Map
  1. Earn D.C. Style Points from Blitz Events and Progression Events in earn rewards at milestones listed below. The court and players you earn will give you a currency boost.
    1. At Milestone #1, you get the Barry Farms court with 20% D.C. Style Points boost.
    2. At Milestone #4, you get Kristi Toliver as a Boost Item with +5 dribbling and +10% D.C. Style Points.
    3. At Milestone #9, you get to choose one of...
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Rookie 1

For the fourth stop on our 3v3 tour, we take you to Barry Farms where a love for basketball creates a tight knit community of politicans, educators, NBA stars and local residents.

Come play outside on the Barry Farms (or George Goodman League) court with some notable locals that were either born or raised nearby, like Carmelo Anthony and Moses Malone.

Campaign Dates
Live Date: May 9, 2019 at 10:00 AM EST

End Date: May 14, 2019 at 10:00 AM EST

Campaign Map
  1. Earn D.C. Style Points from Blitz Events and Progression Events in earn rewards at milestones listed below. The court and players you earn will give you a currency boost.
    1. At Milestone #1, you get the Barry Farms court with 20% D.C. Style Points boost.
    2. At Milestone #4, you get Kristi Toliver as a Boost Item with +5 dribbling and +10% D.C. Style Points.
    3. At Milestone #9, you get to choose one of the two 103 OVR Barry Farms Masters.
    4. At Milestone #14, you get to earn the other 103 OVR Barry Farms Master.
    5. At Milestone #20, you earn an ability token to use on one of the masters.
  2. We are trying out a new reward system on the progression events that use stars to grade your performance. Perform well and you will be rewarded with more points. On the FIRST WIN ONLY of each event, you'll get a bonus 100 D.C. Style Points for each star you earn. The progression events refresh every 24 hours and have no repeat reward (in style points).
  3. There are 3 blitz events that refresh every 8 hours.
  4. To accelerate progress, you can purchase D.C. Style Points, boosted players and claim your bonus pack in the Store (100 style points per pack).

Campaign Progression Events
Progression Event​
Stamina needed​
First win reward​
Performance reward (in addition to first win reward)​
C SF SG Game​
0 stamina​
400 D.C. Style Points, 300 Coins​
⭐+100 D.C. Style Points ⭐⭐+100 D.C. Style Points ⭐⭐⭐+100 D.C. Style Points​
Every 24 hours​
C SG PF Game​
0 stamina​
400 D.C. Style Points, 300 Coins​
⭐+100 D.C. Style Points ⭐⭐+100 D.C. Style Points ⭐⭐⭐+100 D.C. Style Points​
Every 24 hours​
C PG PF Game​
0 stamina​
400 D.C. Style Points, 300 Coins​
⭐+100 D.C. Style Points ⭐⭐+100 D.C. Style Points ⭐⭐⭐+100 D.C. Style Points​
Every 24 hours​
3v3 Wings Game​
0 stamina​
400 D.C. Style Points, 300 Coins​
⭐+100 D.C. Style Points ⭐⭐+100 D.C. Style Points ⭐⭐⭐+100 D.C. Style Points​
Every 24 hours​
SG PG PG Game​
0 stamina​
400 D.C. Style Points, 300 Coins​
⭐+100 D.C. Style Points ⭐⭐+100 D.C. Style Points ⭐⭐⭐+100 D.C. Style Points​
Every 24 hours​
Campaign Blitz Events
Blitz Event​
Stamina needed​
First win reward​
Repeat reward​
Showoff Moments​
25 stamina​
60 D.C. Style Points, 150 Coins​
40 D.C. Style Points, 100 Coins, 250 XP​
Every 8 hours​
3v3 Drills​
50 stamina​
120 D.C. Style Points, 300 Coins​
40 D.C. Style Points, 100 Coins, 250 XP​
Every 8 hours​
Pre-Game Warm-up​
75 stamina​
600 Coins​
40 D.C. Style Points, 100 Coins, 250 XP​
Every 8 hours​
Campaign Milestones
Earn 580 D.C. Style Points​
Barry Farms Court with 20% Style Points Boost​
Earn 1400 D.C. Style Points​
Gold Elevate Pack​
Earn 2700 D.C. Style Points​
87 OVR Barry Farms Choice Pack (2 picks)​
Earn 3600 D.C. Style Points​
Kristi Toliver Boost Item​
Earn 5000 D.C. Style Points​
87 OVR Barry Farms Choice Pack (2 picks)​
Earn 7400 D.C. Style Points​
91 OVR Barry Farms Choice Pack (1 pick)​
Earn 11600 D.C. Style Points​
95 OVR Barry Farms Booster Player​
Earn 20300 D.C. Style Points​
97 OVR Barry Farms Choice Pack (1 pick)​
Earn 29000 D.C. Style Points​
103 OVR Barry Farms Master Choice Pack (1 pick)​
Earn 32000 D.C. Style Points​
50,000 Coin Quicksell​
Earn 36000 D.C. Style Points​
Elevate & Legend Pack​
Earn 39000 D.C. Style Points​
Nicknames Pack​
Earn 43100 D.C. Style Points​
Barry Farms Court​
Earn 58100 D.C. Style Points​
103 OVR Barry Farms Master Choice Pack (1 pick)​
Earn 59700 D.C. Style Points​
50,000 Coin Quicksell​
Earn 62250 D.C. Style Points​
Elevate & Legend Pack​
Earn 63900 D.C. Style Points​
50,000 Coin Quicksell​
Earn 66400 D.C. Style Points​
Nicknames Pack x2​
Earn 68100 D.C. Style Points​
50,000 Coin Quicksell​
Earn 70500 D.C. Style Points​
Ability Token for Barry Farms Masters​

Auction House
The following are NOT auctionable:

  • 103 OVR Barry Farms Masters
  • 103 OVR Barry Farms Masters with ability
  • Barry Farms Court (both versions)
  • Kristi Toliver Boost Item
  • Barry Farms Booster Players from the Store

Campaign Masters
  1. 103 OVR Platinum Carmelo Anthony with 2-Point Clutch ability
  2. 103 OVR Platinum Moses Malone with In The Paint ability

Campaign Boost Item
On October 16, 2018, Kristi Toliver became the Washington Wizards' assistant coach with a concentration on player development. She is the franchise's first female coach, and the fourth in NBA history. Earn her for your Boost Item slot with +5 Dribbling and +10% D.C. Style Points boost.

Changes made in this campaign:
  • tiered rewards based on performance on progression events
  • choice of master
can i have the primary and secondary stats for those two masters?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
can i have the primary and secondary stats for those two masters?
No... Only because they haven't been released which is why I wasn't able to post them but I think the odds are low of them being released before the promo is dropped


Rookie 1
underwhelmed coz its the same format again, really depends on whether the masters have boosts and what the milestone #13 court boosts


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
underwhelmed coz its the same format again, really depends on whether the masters have boosts and what the milestone #13 court boosts
The court boosts dribbling no mention of it boosting promo points but it is possible to get a master for free if you grind the promo the problem for many is if the masters will even be worth it and in my case no it won't be worth it to grind for either of the master cards because I don't have a need for either position


Rookie 1
The court boosts dribbling no mention of it boosting promo points but it is possible to get a master for free if you grind the promo the problem for many is if the masters will even be worth it and in my case no it won't be worth it to grind for either of the master cards because I don't have a need for either position
do these 2 masters give us boost like the underdog masters?
Good, the put the 95 ovr Booster player before the first master, so you have 40% boost total earlier.

I will get Malone for the bench. Unless Carmelo is a SG.


Pro 2
Oy. No boosts. Underwhelming cards given the 103s most folks already have at these positions. In fact you lose boosts to put them in lineup. It’s nice there is a free 103 to grind. Other than that the cards and rewards aren’t much. I’ll get Melo and call it a campaign.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Oy. No boosts. Underwhelming cards given the 103s most folks already have at these positions. In fact you lose boosts to put them in lineup. It’s nice there is a free 103 to grind. Other than that the cards and rewards aren’t much. I’ll get Melo and call it a campaign.
Yeah only reason I'm touching the promo is to sell the master I get if there was a platinum street boost item then these cards would be more useful but we're still stuck with the Benny being the highest boost for a street boost item at only +7 while defensive and shooting which has way more options for players each have a +14 item

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
Guys boost from venice,quai54 and philippines works in this promo,just that they all need to be for street lineup..i got 80% boost curently


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