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3-Point Booster Cards


Rookie 1
Hey Everybody!

I'm looking for players who specifically help to boost 3-pointers, and I'm having a hard time finding them all. If you wouldn't mind, please help me with my search and maybe adding on like a price tag to these players so I know how much I am expected to spend.

101 ovr Shaq April fools promo---------> around 500k bid
100 ovr Ray Allen Pot of gold promo----> None on my AH right now but the cheapest
104 ovr Porter 2nd chance promo--------> 1M bid
101 ovr Doug McDermott Mobile Madness promo-----> 110k bid

There are more of course but i think these are the best


Rookie 1
101 ovr Shaq April fools promo---------> around 650k bid
100 ovr Ray Allen Pot of gold promo----> None on my AH right now but the cheapest
104 ovr Porter 2nd chance promo--------> 1M bid
101 ovr Doug McDermott Mobile Madness promo-----> 110k bid
I have the Doug McDermott card, and I'm trying to get my hands on the Allen one, but he's so hard to find same with Shaq. And they're so expensive, and I'm basically broke lmao.


Rookie 1
I have the Doug McDermott card, and I'm trying to get my hands on the Allen one, but he's so hard to find same with Shaq. And they're so expensive, and I'm basically broke lmao.
I sold a Shaq recently, I didn't want to part ways but I did need to OVR upgrade.


Rookie 1
There's also the 96ovr Lauri Makannen "Nickname" card (+3 3pt to team) and the Paul George 102ovr (animated gif type) "Easter Bunny" card (also +3 to team)


Rookie 1
I guess three point boost doesn't matter for shit...just get to high overall bro..higher overall you will automatically having advantage on all the stats and better winning in showdown..


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It's different for everyone, but the only reason I'm a 107 is because the 3pt boost making Lavine +2 ovr
View attachment 1422
LaVine gets +2 with a mediocre amount of random boosts the big kicker is the +5 SWC he gets on bench but as a whole 3pt boost doesn't have much affect in overall some cards will go up the next overall with it as the last piece but many won't


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