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2nd Drive LVL Nerf


Pro 2
Its out of control lately. I’ll get mid teens (15) 1st drive, then single digits second drive. I just opened the 2d drive with 5 straight open/perfect misses. I was down 8-0 with 45 seconds left. Managed to ”win” 9-8, but two of those were a clutch and buzzer beater. Showdown is more consistent.

For f##k sake, EA, FIX GAMEPLAY! (Yes, I am shouting)


All-Star 1
A leaguemate asked me how close I was to 108. Told him I don't give a rip bc gameplay is so busted right now that it's a non-issue what my OVR is


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
The I usually play better in my 2nd quarter if I have a bad quarter it's usually the 1st one and it's always been that way for me


Pro 2
A leaguemate asked me how close I was to 108. Told him I don't give a rip bc gameplay is so busted right now that it's a non-issue what my OVR is

I knew this rumor about a gameplay fix on 7/28 was bullsh##. I dont think this current team is capable of fixing anything Related to gameplay.


Pro 2
The I usually play better in my 2nd quarter if I have a bad quarter it's usually the 1st one and it's always been that way for me
It depends for me. If I have a decent 1st. The second will be nerfed. Of the first is nerfed then the second is normal.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It depends for me. If I have a decent 1st. The second will be nerfed. Of the first is nerfed then the second is normal.
Yeah that's usually how it goes a +15 and a +5 still equals out to a +20 if you have 1 bad quarter you need to supplement it or else you're screwed


Pro 2
That's what a GC said.. an app update it seems maybe next week
I’m getting really tired of 103 pg’s treating my 107 pg like he is a high schooler. They didn’t have to create all this crap they put out with the last app. All they needed to do, EVER, to make a big difference in gameplay was (1) increase % for def rb (2) throttle back ai play by some % (3) fix broken def for Sharpshooter (4) get rid of the lvl nerf. Of course all of this also was true a week into the season (Except broken SS defense). Reddit was constantly whining about ovr advantage so they set out to reduce the advantage and instead created a reverse advantage. Then they totally broke ai which then couldn’t hit a shot. Actually that was fun for a couple days. Then it got old. Instead of just undoing that, they decided to create new animations and defenses and whatever. And what we got was an ai that still never misses, it just takes different shots, rebounding that is no better, sketchy manual shooting, seemingly impossible to steal.

There‘s a track record and it isn’t a good one. If they could just hit a gameplay restore point back a month ago, then do (1), (2), & (4) above, gameplay would be dramatically improved. Someone needs to introduce these folks to the concept of Occam’s Razor - all other things being equal, the simplest solution is usually the correct one. They just keep complicating everything. We are several layers of screw ups in now, and Im not optimistic they can untangle it.
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