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2019 Spring Promo

Here is what I don’t understand, you can’t pick your master, and you have no clue were the heck the Easter egggs are. Andrei Kiirlenko has got some good reviews on YouTube.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Here is what I don’t understand, you can’t pick your master, and you have no clue were the heck the Easter egggs are. Andrei Kiirlenko has got some good reviews on YouTube.
Actually you do know what the eggs are the rewards are listed in the easter egg tasks thread


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Then you're far behind the curve you need to pick it up there's no reason you shouldn't have at least 3 times that without a single coin spent and no cash used if you just logged in a few times a day and used your stamina on the events especially for the 1st win bonuses
Wow your way, way behind. Every F2p player should have got Murray for free about 1day ago and should be close to the boost now. I'm at 80k and have only been grinding the events with a few season games sprinkled in. My leagemate who doesn't grind much even managed to get Murray. With only 15k I don't think you can get him now with 3 days left.
Any F2p players get 2 masters? All grinding and no cash spent. I only seem to get the 1st master with boost. The only people I've seen get 2 or more are those that spend nba cash.
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Rookie 3
Any F2p players get 2 masters? All grinding and no cash spent. I only seem to get the 1st master with boost. The only people I've seen get 2 or more are those that spend nba cash.
I pulled kemp on first day it came out in league’s bob and now at 120k pts with a day and half remaining, so i think i am sure that i will get rodman with 105% pt boost. My alt however has no kemp but also close to 120k pts (5k before promo starts plus 5k from 500 nba cash in store) which i think still has a chance for 2nd master. So yeah, f2p can get 2 masters depending on luck and points earned before promo starts.


All-Star 3
Any F2p players get 2 masters? All grinding and no cash spent. I only seem to get the 1st master with boost. The only people I've seen get 2 or more are those that spend nba cash.
I spent 500 cash on yesterdays pack and coin pack daily. Got rodman too.. mad scramble for pg13 now..


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