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2019 mega blitz challenge


Rookie 1
Has anyone actually completed the mega blitz challenge on the finals campaign. The one that coat 1k to play. I think I've spent 10k so far with no win. From what I can figure out it's just shooting off a random hotspot and hoping for the best. Am I right? If there's something I'm missing let me know


Rookie 1
Has anyone actually completed the mega blitz challenge on the finals campaign. The one that coat 1k to play. I think I've spent 10k so far with no win. From what I can figure out it's just shooting off a random hotspot and hoping for the best. Am I right? If there's something I'm missing let me know
You’re doing it right. It’s just all about luck and I got lucky on my second try and completed it.
I completed it. It is all about luck. I spent 4K coins and completed it on the fourth try. Just gotta find the pattern. It’s hard but there is a pattern and you will eventually find it
I got it right the first time. and I didn't understand the challenge of it.
Can you fail from each spot? Is it a new 25% change of getting right each time, or is it process of elimination?


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