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108 OVR Christmas Ghost Stats


Rookie 1
Yea I don't need coins so I'm going to test him out first before deciding to keep or sell. My feeling is that if I decide to sell, the ghosts will be "rare" at least for a little bit so they should hold value at least until next promo. I'm just happy to get something. I remember I really loved the Sexton at Christmas time, but I did like Kemba then so we will see. It'll help since I still use boomer as my boost item. With this shaq promo I'm debating on switching to all defensive though since I'll have enough on ball defense boost.


Pro 2
Iverson’s numbers are good. Speed and agility combo outstanding. Primaries are good.

Spent 9.99 twice on the BOB pack hoping I might get him. Didn’t. But got Rodman. To the ah we go!!!


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Yea I don't need coins so I'm going to test him out first before deciding to keep or sell. My feeling is that if I decide to sell, the ghosts will be "rare" at least for a little bit so they should hold value at least until next promo. I'm just happy to get something. I remember I really loved the Sexton at Christmas time, but I did like Kemba then so we will see. It'll help since I still use boomer as my boost item. With this shaq promo I'm debating on switching to all defensive though since I'll have enough on ball defense boost.
Wow you gave me a good idea with this I know that +15 OBD will be over kill and may actually cause a defect with stat caps at 115 after boosts and 110 on cards and since I don't really get cards with less than 100 OBD it will make more sense to have +8 OBD, +7 block, and +10 steal instead of +15 OBD and +10 steal


Rookie 1
Wow you gave me a good idea with this I know that +15 OBD will be over kill and may actually cause a defect with stat caps at 115 after boosts and 110 on cards and since I don't really get cards with less than 100 OBD it will make more sense to have +8 OBD, +7 block, and +10 steal instead of +15 OBD and +10 steal

Exactly. I would rather not play with their max cap stats. You're welcome.


All-Star 1
I had him but he didn't wow me. Was worth it more to sell him and use either Yao, Shaq, or Admiral. Also tough to find him to use his BB with less than 10 seconds left


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