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108 lineup thread


Rookie 3
i dont get it.. this is 1065.. which i have been @ for over a week, with 2 108s... ahhhh

sometimes SOOOOO frustrating as sometimes its --69.. othertimes its to the full. --70, and here you got it @ --65... ahhhhhhhhh


All-Star 3
i dont get it.. this is 1065.. which i have been @ for over a week, with 2 108s... ahhhh

sometimes SOOOOO frustrating as sometimes its --69.. othertimes its to the full. --70, and here you got it @ --65... ahhhhhhhhh
EA at its finest


All-Star 1
I’m guessing that +4 OBD goes a long way here. I was wondering if any of the DPOY 104’s boost to 106? Gobert or Giannis will be my choice. Next event claims one of them.

Edit: More importantly, what’s with the 98 Elevate lineup?! 😮😜


Rookie 1
I’m guessing that +4 OBD goes a long way here. I was wondering if any of the DPOY 104’s boost to 106? Gobert or Giannis will be my choice. Next event claims one of them.

Edit: More importantly, what’s with the 98 Elevate lineup?! 😮😜
104 Giannis boost to 106 same with Gobert
Only thing that makes sense is what combination of boosts someone has. My leaguemate only needed to be 106.9, I had to get to 107.2 to be at 108.


All-Star 3
I’m guessing that +4 OBD goes a long way here. I was wondering if any of the DPOY 104’s boost to 106? Gobert or Giannis will be my choice. Next event claims one of them.

Edit: More importantly, what’s with the 98 Elevate lineup?! 😮😜
I think it's a glitch.. didnt notice till u pointed it out..


Rookie 1
i really hate when all players are now focusing on boosts more instead of playing like a pro..sad ea been washing human brains


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