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107 OVERALL looking for a league


Rookie 3
Hey guys I'm looking for a good league to join with active members I'm a 107 overall and play daily and post good margins.
If you think I'm a good fit for your league please drop your league names and ranking below ,and your rules


All-Star 1
I think you had joined us for a bit awhile ago. You're welcome to come back or join us for the first time if I'm thinking of someone else. Relaxed league, ranked #104 or so atm. CLUTCHCAMP


Rookie 3
I think you had joined us for a bit awhile ago. You're welcome to come back or join us for the first time if I'm thinking of someone else. Relaxed league, ranked #104 or so atm. CLUTCHCAMP
Thanks for the invite I will consider it for sure but I wanna see if anyone else is interested too I hope you don't mind


Rookie 1
Hello savage, take a look at mine: 4KOBE.
I’ve been looking for other teams for a while, lately our league has had teams playing everyday!
Good luck


Rookie 1
Elysium - we are currently around 130 and trying to rebuild a good squad.
We have been around since S1, and our rules have always been simple and chill - play every day, be (rather) active in chat and try to score at least +10 in both quarteers.


Rookie 2
United Ballerz Club- we play all our quarters and are trying to rebound from a rough stretch. Finished 108 season 1, top 200 every other season but are knocked back. If you want the challenge of helping us back to the top 200 come join!


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