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105 stojakovic - any reviews


All-Star 3
Can anyone who got him give their opinion on his 3pt shooting.. have maxed 94 kirilenko right now and hes a monster on defence and offence..plus committing 5 elites to an unauctionable card makes he hesitate
His ai performance isn't that great as of now.. compared to specialist LeBron which tends to be more active.. on both ends..
Though he is a solid bench card either way


All-Star 1
He's the best I've played with this season. Hits pretty much everything. Very agile. Blocks well. You know those SD matches where you're the underdog & the AI is against you? Where all your perfect releases miss? Peja makes those shots. At least he has for me in about 20 games today. Usually it's hard to gauge a card in a day's time. Within the first hour i was stunned. The only thing he doesn't seem to do well is catch & release. Missed those more than any other shot. His deep ball is on point. That's my take on him


Rookie 1
I can concur, peja is balls to the wall shooting. I have +30 on my team for 3pt boosts, so he's maxed out and that really helps. But even without that, I would say he's the best non-ability player in that lineup


Rookie 3
First 2 gms, he sucked, but almost all cards do. Now nails everything (that moves boom boom tish)
strange thing though, have +18 3pt boost (13 without his) and gives me max 9.. 79% 3pt is almost @ max 80
the +5 3pt boost to TMac and penny and sabas is unreal, all over 78% 3pt shooting with the +20


Rookie 3
When i saw his 105 stats and +5 3 pt boost, didn't hesitate to build him. Used my plats that i have been preparing for kyrie and put my 99 mashburn on bench right away. So far i am good with him. Playing more with my classic now in sd. Of course he misses at times but right now he is my greatest 3 point shooter. Want also to get that 105 mcgrady to pair with him but currently short in coins.
Do you want him for your Legacy lineup? If not, then it's a bit of a waste since there isn't much left to do competitively and there's always a chance that there will be another use for the platinum cards or that the AH will crash and you can spend the coins on something else. This year we keep our bench and our coach but it's not clear where you can use the bench in Legacy events.


All-Star 3
Do you want him for your Legacy lineup? If not, then it's a bit of a waste since there isn't much left to do competitively and there's always a chance that there will be another use for the platinum cards or that the AH will crash and you can spend the coins on something else. This year we keep our bench and our coach but it's not clear where you can use the bench in Legacy events.

After last season the legacy lineup doesn't matter match for me.. but of the pantheon players he fits my team requirements the most . Hence the query


All-Star 1
I faced a 109 Peja in lvl. Words can't describe what that was like...you'd have to see it to believe it. Pretty sure he and Tmac have new animations as well or let's just say that I have never seen a couple of them before.


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