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103 OVR Certified Kemba Walker & 102 Kevin Garnett


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
103 OVR Balanced PG Kemba Walker with +3 SPD to Team (PACK):


102 OVR Power PF Kevin Garnett '01 with +3 BLK to Team (SET):



Rookie 2
Re: 102 OVR Certified Kemba Walker & Kevin Garnett

Both pretty nice.


103 mid-range, 100 three-pointer = 92 outside shooting?

100 mid-range, 90 three-pointer = 95 outside shooting?


Pro 1
Re: 102 OVR Certified Kemba Walker & Kevin Garnett

Both pretty nice.


103 mid-range, 100 three-pointer = 92 outside shooting?

100 mid-range, 90 three-pointer = 95 outside shooting?

Given an All-Nba Bob Pettit card has the same Outside Shooting as a Finals game McHale , despite 68 vs 95 in 3 pointer, Kemba is just a minor deviation xD

Garnett's 74 Playmaking is even stranger. Whatever is hidden, it's not good in Garnett's card.


Rookie 2
Re: 102 OVR Certified Kemba Walker & Kevin Garnett

Both pretty nice.


103 mid-range, 100 three-pointer = 92 outside shooting?

100 mid-range, 90 three-pointer = 95 outside shooting?

Given an All-Nba Bob Pettit card has the same Outside Shooting as a Finals game McHale , despite 68 vs 95 in 3 pointer, Kemba is just a minor deviation xD

Garnett's 74 Playmaking is even stranger. Whatever is hidden, it's not good in Garnett's card.

Now that you mention it, assuming there's another hidden stat that affects playmaking, it would have to be just 45 to get an average of 74.

100+ OVR cards rarely get any rating below 70 and they're putting 50s and 60s here.


All-Star 1
Any feedback on KG game play? I have enough to get a Certified player and wondering if he?s worth it? Classic PF is a position I would like to upgrade (using 98 PM Dirk and POTM Malone on bench). NBA PF is my next most desirable upgrade position. The main reason I?m reluctant to pull trigger on KD is playing with my 99 Classic lineup in SD as compared to my 100 NBA with 3-4 clutch shots.

My lineups are posted here:


All-Star 3
Any feedback on KG game play? I have enough to get a Certified player and wondering if he?s worth it? Classic PF is a position I would like to upgrade (using 98 PM Dirk and POTM Malone on bench). NBA PF is my next most desirable upgrade position. The main reason I?m reluctant to pull trigger on KD is playing with my 99 Classic lineup in SD as compared to my 100 NBA with 3-4 clutch shots.

My lineups are posted here:
I should get him in 14-16 hours, then will be using the classic lineup for showdown.. so will get back to you . I'm also trying to replace Dirk on the lineup..
Have been using nba lineup for the past month (clutches and coach boost) so relieved to be using the classic one for the last day grind
I?m in the same place you are: will have enough tokens to get KG tomorrow, also replacing PM Dirk. I just bought ten 90+ players from the AH for just over 5M coins (I could?ve gotten better deals but don?t have the patience these days to get into 100-coin-increment bidding wars).

But My biggest liability in classic right now is point guard with 96 MM Magic and 94 NY westbrook. I hope I can get a 102+ classic PG soon as easily as it is to get a certified player.
Any feedback on KG game play? I have enough to get a Certified player and wondering if he?s worth it? Classic PF is a position I would like to upgrade (using 98 PM Dirk and POTM Malone on bench). NBA PF is my next most desirable upgrade position. The main reason I?m reluctant to pull trigger on KD is playing with my 99 Classic lineup in SD as compared to my 100 NBA with 3-4 clutch shots.

My lineups are posted here:
I should get him in 14-16 hours, then will be using the classic lineup for showdown.. so will get back to you . I'm also trying to replace Dirk on the lineup..
Have been using nba lineup for the past month (clutches and coach boost) so relieved to be using the classic one for the last day grind


Rookie 2
For me card art should be F&I Ben and AI and maze runner Kyrie.. gameplay I have a hard time against 99 nightmare Magic. I also love Manual 102 Embiid Fully maxed to 107 with boosts. Classic I love both SD master and GT edition Penny Hardaway. Have his SD version at 103 and maaaaan he can shoot.. whenever I use a player shooting 3?s I always miss or expect to miss after the 3rd or 4th streak but not with Penny. Once made 7 straight 3?s with him against a lower OVR player in LVL


Rookie 1
ok guys, i just recently started grinding certified program, so whats the best way to grind it? should i play 100 stamina live event or 20?


All-Star 3
ok guys, i just recently started grinding certified program, so whats the best way to grind it? should i play 100 stamina live event or 20?

20 stamina - 1 token
100 stamina - 10 tokens ie. 10 stamina 1 token
So play the 100 stamina one.. and u can play the 20 stima one every 6 hours as that event gives u 2 for 20 stamina


All-Star 1
I pulled trigger on KG. No regrets but playing with my Classic lineup in SD takes some getting used to after playing so much with my NBA team. I?m one player OVR from bumping to 100 so need to figure that out quick. I?ve only got two trained players on Classic team (Simmons and Hornacek and I need +2M more TP to max Hornacek). Just not willing to commit TP to any of my other players yet...
Didn?t you used to not train platinums? I?m still in that boat and trying to develop the team exclusively through new acquisitions with high base OVR guys. Partly it?s because I don?t have a lot of capital to work with at any given point, and there?s nothing I hate more in this game than sitting around in the AH all day (except maybe the game?s loose ball idiocy). It?s also slower but in a weird way more enjoyable because almost my entire lineup is auctionable which gives a lot of flexibility. I think it?s gotten a lot easier lately with the ease of scoring 100+ players and i hope it will get even easier as the season winds down.
I pulled trigger on KG. No regrets but playing with my Classic lineup in SD takes some getting used to after playing so much with my NBA team. I?m one player OVR from bumping to 100 so need to figure that out quick. I?ve only got two trained players on Classic team (Simmons and Hornacek and I need +2M more TP to max Hornacek). Just not willing to commit TP to any of my other players yet...


All-Star 1
Didn?t you used to not train platinums? I?m still in that boat and trying to develop the team exclusively through new acquisitions with high base OVR guys. Partly it?s because I don?t have a lot of capital to work with at any given point, and there?s nothing I hate more in this game than sitting around in the AH all day (except maybe the game?s loose ball idiocy). It?s also slower but in a weird way more enjoyable because almost my entire lineup is auctionable which gives a lot of flexibility. I think it?s gotten a lot easier lately with the ease of scoring 100+ players and i hope it will get even easier as the season winds down.
I pulled trigger on KG. No regrets but playing with my Classic lineup in SD takes some getting used to after playing so much with my NBA team. I?m one player OVR from bumping to 100 so need to figure that out quick. I?ve only got two trained players on Classic team (Simmons and Hornacek and I need +2M more TP to max Hornacek). Just not willing to commit TP to any of my other players yet...
I forgot to mention Specialist Bosh is maxed in my Classic lineup too. But yeah, I typically don?t train Plats for the same reason as you. I made an exception in this case because I wanted to get my Classic lineup to 99 for SD but that was months ago (when we didn?t have so many +100 players available) and I?m still stuck on 99! As it turns out, I made a decent decision since there is a real lack of +99 Classic SG?s in game or even available in the AH.


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