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102 OVR Kyle Kuzma


Pro 1
Re: 102 Kyle Kuzma

There?s also a 101 Shareef Abdul-Rahim. He?s in some set with 30 unknown collectbles and 10 90-94 OVR elites.

Edit: My fault. Didn?t realize I hit 9 rather than 0 until the next morning.


Rookie 1
Re: 102 Kyle Kuzma

X020179 said:
There?s also a 101 Shareef Abdul-Rahim. He?s in some set with 30 unknown collectbles and 10 99-94 OVR elites.

Is that a new set that Ea made or something ?


Rookie 2
Re: 102 Kyle Kuzma

About the shareef abdur rahim set, does it require 10- 94-99 elites exclusive to this promo? Or ANY 94-99 elites/plats. Thank u


All-Star 1
Re: 102 Kyle Kuzma

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/43fHcJN.png">

I don't see the trash stats. If I didn't have Spec LeBron, I'd be all over this. IMO he has nice stats across the board. Inside is all 98, def is nice, great rebound stats for a SF. Only thing low is 3pt and agility and those stats aren't even bad


All-Star 1
Re: 102 Kyle Kuzma

Was wondering what they'll do with this bc I think the timer on the events was 48 hr. Seemed like a short time frame, obv helps with the EA money grab..... making ppl buy tokens in packs. Whatever, I'm game to grab a bunch of tokens & wait til next week


Rookie 2
Re: 102 Kyle Kuzma

His stats are fine, people just don't want to play with poor 3pt shooting small forwards.

I don't either, so I'll rack up tokens for next week. Not sure what's the point of having unique platinum tokens if this is a weekly program though.


All-Star 1
Re: 102 Kyle Kuzma

I just get annoyed with the "this is trash" comments. Come on. Abdur Rahim isn't trash in any way. Now 97 Pippen? That was trash for a 97, esp considering it was all around worse than his 94 UL. But most of the time it's just ppl being dramatic about nothing


Rookie 2
Re: 102 Kyle Kuzma

His stats are fine, people just don't want to play with poor 3pt shooting small forwards.

I don't either, so I'll rack up tokens for next week. Not sure what's the point of having unique platinum tokens if this is a weekly program though.

Agree that the 3 pt is a little iffy. He's not trash but I'd not replace Jalen Rose 98 with him. :geek:


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