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101 Flashback Vince Carter review

Do you like 101 Vince carter?

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Rookie 1
He is extremely easy to get for those that don't spend money (including me) since he is a flashback player
His AI in showdown is ok. He blocks my players a lot.
His 3 PT shooting is great. 101 3 pt is always a good thing
He has a very high dunking rating. I only missed 2 out of 30 so far.
Unfortunately, he is very slow. Bad speed and agility stats
Overall he is the best SF I have ever used


Rookie 2
He is extremely easy to get for those that don't spend money (including me) since he is a flashback player
His AI in showdown is ok. He blocks my players a lot.
His 3 PT shooting is great. 101 3 pt is always a good thing
He has a very high dunking rating. I only missed 2 out of 30 so far.
Unfortunately, he is very slow. Bad speed and agility stats
Overall he is the best SF I have ever used

In my Bal squad, for his agility & speed, I have put Paul Pierce and Bagley on the bench to boost both up, and so that miligates those two a bit.
Then VC becomes a monster...


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