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100 LeBron snipe


Rookie 1
I was on a hunt for a Larry Bird 100 that I missed three times today when this baby popped up I almost couldn't believe my eyes I'm glad my fingers were faster than my brain cuz I panicked LOL


  • Screenshot_20190307-183800.jpg
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Good snipe but I'm pretty sure I told you before to put some effort into your titles I edited it this time but would like to not see it happen again as it shows 0 context to what the topic is about


Rookie 1
Good snipe but I'm pretty sure I told you before to put some effort into your titles I edited it this time but would like to not see it happen again as it shows 0 context to what the topic is about

This is something 4katosh would say lol "I thought i told you NOT to do this anymore!!! I dont want to see this from happening ever again! I told you this already!!" I take that back even him would change his wordings to something more friendly.

Could of just stated: I've edited your Title to something better :) keep it nice and simple and less condescending... you sound like his dad with that comment maybe just a little :)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Good snipe but I'm pretty sure I told you before to put some effort into your titles I edited it this time but would like to not see it happen again as it shows 0 context to what the topic is about

This is something 4katosh would say lol "I thought i told you NOT to do this anymore!!! I dont want to see this from happening ever again! I told you this already!!" I take that back even him would change his wordings to something more friendly.

Could of just stated: I've edited your Title to something better :) keep it nice and simple and less condescending... you sound like his dad with that comment maybe just a little :)

When you have to tell someone something multiple times and they never acknowledge the fact that you asked (I asked first if you want to go dig up old threads) them and put no effort into actually doing it then it becomes a point where you have to tell them but thanks for comparing me to him it shows just how you're thinking and the fact that I'm not allowed to show any kind of authority for a multiple time offender without being belittled


Rookie 3
Staff member
Good snipe but I'm pretty sure I told you before to put some effort into your titles I edited it this time but would like to not see it happen again as it shows 0 context to what the topic is about

This is something 4katosh would say lol "I thought i told you NOT to do this anymore!!! I dont want to see this from happening ever again! I told you this already!!" I take that back even him would change his wordings to something more friendly.

Could of just stated: I've edited your Title to something better :) keep it nice and simple and less condescending... you sound like his dad with that comment maybe just a little :)

We are a laid back community in comparison to gg.. but, when something is affecting the benefit of the forum and has been communicated on more than one occasion.. intervention is required, that's the point of having admins and moderators is to make sure the quality of the board is not hindered. We don't have these issues often and I believe Stewie was right in the way he put things.. But, you are allowed to have what you say heard, maybe without the 4katosh comparison though.



Rookie 1
Good snipe but I'm pretty sure I told you before to put some effort into your titles I edited it this time but would like to not see it happen again as it shows 0 context to what the topic is about

This is something 4katosh would say lol "I thought i told you NOT to do this anymore!!! I dont want to see this from happening ever again! I told you this already!!" I take that back even him would change his wordings to something more friendly.

Could of just stated: I've edited your Title to something better :) keep it nice and simple and less condescending... you sound like his dad with that comment maybe just a little :)

When you have to tell someone something multiple times and they never acknowledge the fact that you asked (I asked first if you want to go dig up old threads) them and put no effort into actually doing it then it becomes a point where you have to tell them but thanks for comparing me to him it shows just how you're thinking and the fact that I'm not allowed to show any kind of authority for a multiple time offender without being belittled

It just reminded me back then when i used to always see those "no shouting in the title" haha thats all..I did not know that you have warned him multiple times, that being nothing but respect here! You guys have done an Amazing job with this site.. everyone here genuinely wants to help/contribute with the community. Nothing but Love Stewie <3
Awwww! Now that's ^^ how you make up. Now hug and kiss and move on fellas hahahaha. By the way how does the LeBron play? His stats looked terrible other than speed, can he shoot the 3?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
This is something 4katosh would say lol "I thought i told you NOT to do this anymore!!! I dont want to see this from happening ever again! I told you this already!!" I take that back even him would change his wordings to something more friendly.

Could of just stated: I've edited your Title to something better :) keep it nice and simple and less condescending... you sound like his dad with that comment maybe just a little :)

When you have to tell someone something multiple times and they never acknowledge the fact that you asked (I asked first if you want to go dig up old threads) them and put no effort into actually doing it then it becomes a point where you have to tell them but thanks for comparing me to him it shows just how you're thinking and the fact that I'm not allowed to show any kind of authority for a multiple time offender without being belittled

It just reminded me back then when i used to always see those "no shouting in the title" haha thats all..I did not know that you have warned him multiple times, that being nothing but respect here! You guys have done an Amazing job with this site.. everyone here genuinely wants to help/contribute with the community. Nothing but Love Stewie <3

It's all good just wanted that to be known I didn't say it with a fatherly tone in mind if I'm mad or really want to get point across I'll caps lock it lol


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Awwww! Now that's ^^ how you make up. Now hug and kiss and move on fellas hahahaha. By the way how does the LeBron play? His stats looked terrible other than speed, can he shoot the 3?

I haven't heard anything about him but he looks like just a +2 from his 98 besides a couple areas so they should play rather identical meaning he can shoot well


Rookie 3
Staff member
Just looks awesome... I?ve got 99 Lebron and have found it impossible to snipe. Good catch thoughts card art is worth it lol.


Rookie 3
Card art is good. Stats - i am not that impressed but it?s lebron and his manual and AI is always playing beyond his stats than harden in this game at least in my ecperience (my detlef shoots very well but him as defender).


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