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Search results for query: Reverse OVR nerf

  1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: OVR
  1. T

    Top 100 Promo: Release 4

    ...It’s all part of what they call “dynamic difficulty adjustment” that also accounts for an opponent’s ai playing off the charts, the reverse ovr nerf etc. All of it is intended to to induce you with a fraudulent premise to take some action in response - often spending money. There is a...
  2. T

    The Broken Gameplay Thread

    ...a +15. This is ridiculous. They’ve made so many changes & nerfs that the game is entirely in control of outcomes. 1. Get rid of “reverse OVR nerf.” I’m no longer spending on the game because of that — There is no reason to spend now. 2. Bring back blocking. Before S4 you could block...
  3. Altavilla

    Historic Draft Promo

    Only they know for sure. Regardless of there being an actual intended nerf or not, something is happening that to a lot high ovr teams feels like a nerf. So what they are really saying if they are denying the nerf, is that they have no clue why this is happening
  4. T

    Historic Draft Promo

    Bur EA says the reverse ovr nerf is a myth?! 😁
  5. T

    Season 4 Bug/Glitch Thread

    The 3rd event in Australia has been broken for days. This game is one big glitch. Gameplay is still plagued with reverse ovr nerf. They admitted last season they had no clue about the source code, so each time they try to adjust gameplay, they are literally shooting in the dark, and inevitably...
  6. Altavilla

    109 GTs

    Exactly. Adding to it, one particular stupid thing about all this is the way it applies to season (my favorite game mode). I used a 108 lineup recently against a 106 AI and the gameplay was horrible. I barely managed to win and i did by going all 3s with my Lebron PG (very unrealistic and...
  7. T

    109 GTs

    That reverse ovr nerf is worse than ever. And frankly, ai in general is increasingly jacked up. They make everything and they play irrespective of stats whith the clumsiest center making circus drives and the worst 3 point shooter burying monster 3s. I quit lvl. SD is a nightmare. I don’t think...
  8. T

    2nd Drive LVL Nerf

    I’m getting really tired of 103 pg’s treating my 107 pg like he is a high schooler. They didn’t have to create all this crap they put out with the last app. All they needed to do, EVER, to make a big difference in gameplay was (1) increase % for def rb (2) throttle back ai play by some % (3)...
  9. Xdegenerate

    Season 4 Complaint/Suggestion Thread

    Season haa relaxed a bit, there has been quite an improvement in SD games, but there is still horrendous AI domination problems every game against anyone rated higher... I've found it when they're eaquel too. League games are no better at all. Anyone ranked higher overall dominates everything...
  10. T

    Season 4 Complaint/Suggestion Thread

    Well I don’t know where else to put this, and I risk jinxing the whole deal, but since Tuesday’s reset, gameplay has been playable again. That awful reverse ovr disadvantage hasn’t been in play at all. Since Tuesday morning through now - Thursday afternoon - I‘ve lost 2 or 3 SD matches (out of...
  11. betaman411

    Simulation Series Promo

    Here of course in this forum with the search tool! https://nbalivecommunity.com/search/9559/?q=Reverse+OVR+nerf&o=date
  12. N

    Simulation Series Promo

    Search on where?
  13. betaman411

    Simulation Series Promo

    Search reverse OVR nerf...it’s not only you.
  14. T

    Season 4 Complaint/Suggestion Thread

    This new change to SD, allowing ultimate lineup has shed new light on just how bad SD gameplay and the reverse ovr nerf is. If teams -2ovr put up these kind of numbers in lvl, I’d never be a net positive. When playing, opponents ai make one pass and bury long jumper. it can’t be defended - even...
  15. dub365


    Do you think the Ultimate LU sets up the nerf in LVL? Or whichever LU you choose to use in that particular matchup? I guess I'll just drop them all when I play my qtrs. This is just asinine
  16. T


    ...SD. That‘s frigging devious. Last lvl I decided to use my SS lineup for first time after dropping my ultimate lineup and went 35-4. Remember last season when everyone was scrambling to get to 111 and I kept saying you don’t want to be 111? That’s when I started mentioning the “reverse ovr...
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