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What's the deal with Kevin Durant low dunking ratings?


Rookie 2
Hi guys,
Does anyone else feels KD's dunks rating in NBA Live Mobile are simply too low?

Let's start with this year (season 3).
We have 3 versions of OD already:
  • 83 Rookie Master with 76 dunking
  • 80 Elite with 68 dunking
  • 78 Gold with 70 dunking

For Comparison LeBron James, Gordon Hayward & Jason Tatum (just picked 3 other SF arbitrarily):
  • 80 Overalls: James with 81, Hayward with 73, & Tatum with 80!
  • 78 Gold James has 77 dunking!
Is this making sense to you? Because it makes no sense to me...

Moving to last year (season 2):
KD had no less than 18 versions in the game; overall ranging from 71 to just 84 (average of 78, standard deviation of 4.6)!
There was also no direct correlation to the card's overall: I've managed find some anomalies such as 3 99 cards with 71 along side with 85/6 overall with 77/8.

Again for comparison:
  • James...
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All-Star 3
To give him higher shooting, speed and agility stats they compromise on the dunking to keep the ovr target for thT card..


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
What Anatfoc said but also Tatum got a 98 overall card so his max wasn't a 92 but I would say Tatum is a better dunker then KD in real life anyways as is LeBron by a large margin


Rookie 2
What Anatfoc said but also Tatum got a 98 overall card so his max wasn't a 92 but I would say Tatum is a better dunker then KD in real life anyways as is LeBron by a large margin

I hear you both. And maybe you got a case for some of his cards last year (not all of them for sure!).
But I still see no reason to give his current 80 overall only 68 dunking.
Someone in EA is making a mistake.
KD is at least as good dunker as Gordon H.
Let me know which other SF do you want me to compare him with.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
What Anatfoc said but also Tatum got a 98 overall card so his max wasn't a 92 but I would say Tatum is a better dunker then KD in real life anyways as is LeBron by a large margin

I hear you both. And maybe you got a case for some of his cards last year (not all of them for sure!).
But I still see no reason to give his current 80 overall only 68 dunking.
Someone in EA is making a mistake.
KD is at least as good dunker as Gordon H.
Let me know which other SF do you want me to compare him with.

He doesn't dunk much and his blossoming defense to go with his great shooting probably made it hard to keep him at 80 overall without nerfing dunking


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