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2021 Easter Promo


Rookie 1
So where are these eggs we need to complete to play the rest of the events on the map. I feel like maybe some sets are missing??


All-Star 3
So where are these eggs we need to complete to play the rest of the events on the map. I feel like maybe some sets are missing??
u have to click on the animated eggs. they show objectives u have to complete. sadly theyre glitched rt now


Rookie 1
I sold a lot
Of cards and nothing happened.. scored +400 points in season and it says 15points, like they give me one point per quarter... this ea sucks, and this year they’ve also discovered another way to make money, a pass for every new campaign!


Pro 2
Half those egg achievements are broken. The maintenance changed the “sell one card on ah” to win 10 live events. 🤦‍♂️ These guys just keep setting the bar lower and lower. Oh yeah, they took away ALL of 88 Sabonis boost. All of it.


Pro 2
Half those egg achievements are broken. The maintenance changed the “sell one card on ah” to win 10 live events. 🤦‍♂️ These guys just keep setting the bar lower and lower. Oh yeah, they took away ALL of 88 Sabonis boost. All of it.
Sry. I can’t delete this.


Rookie 1
EDIT: The season points goal is counting made baskets not points.
And this is after the maintenance. Honestly, this is one of the poorest-planned promos I've seen in this game.

I mean, why do I have to spend stamina on things that aren't related to the promo instead of being able to grind the promo? Who thought that was a good idea?
I'd rather play other modes than do the same blitzes over and over. My problem with the promo is the player choice. I just bust my ass finishing Dr. J on the final day, not to mention doing Redemption Paul George (because it's something to do in the game), and they give us Ingram and Butler at SF. I also think they're getting greedy with the VIP passes. I think they're a smart move on EA's part, and I don't mind buying them if they help me get ahead in a promo, but if they're the only way to complete a lower OVR Master then ftp is all but shut out of promos.

Having a new promo each week leads to mediocrity in the game. I preferred season 1 where there was a gap between promos where you could concentrate on the weekly programs or the set achievements for the masters. There was always something to do related to H2H, Season or LvL achievements. They tried to introduce something similar at the beginning of this season, but the OVR on the players was quickly surpassed. Those Live Pass players like Penny, Wilkins and Wilt, those players should be masters for the first couple of seasons, but of course they want to reel the spenders in faster than that.

Every season they try to introduce escalating players you can build like Master Embiid, Elevate players, and the Superstar players, and every season they are quickly forgotten. When I think of the hours I spent trying to build Master Westbrook, Supremacy LeBron, Ruler Durant, etc. compared to the level of investment I have now... I can't understand why they don't want higher user engagement.


Rookie 1
I just went to check on their nbalm Twitter page... they even don’t care at all about posting new stuff or what?


Pro 1
Maybe they are thinking we gonna buy those 750 nba cash packs to get them 😬😂 idk sincerly 🙋🤦 letdown after letdown from devs
That would mean spending some 7500-10000 cash for each 90 😳🤦
Screw this

I guess it’s back to Candy Crush for me then. I was about to get Live pass this month (after skipping Harden) but now I don’t feel like it 😔
The VIP pass gives you one player per day then there are special offers that pop up. You can pull them from the eggs as well. I'm not sure about the blitzes. There is also a golden egg token that presumably goes in yet-to-be-released set.


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