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Will they ever fix the ss lineup?


Rookie 1
Switching in defence is still messed up whether you are using manual or auto switching. I mean we got an update yesterday but it's still not fixed for some of us. Half of my league memebers apparently have no such problem. Is everybody facing this or just some of us.


All-Star 1
I haven't been brave enough to use SS in league yet. All of em seemed OK in SD. Street gave me no issues in LVL

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
I use street line up and lockdown my last time to use ss line up I recorded +8 points in league as opponent was hitting 3s so bad from that day I swore never to use ss again.


Rookie 1
I haven't been brave enough to use SS in league yet. All of em seemed OK in SD. Street gave me no issues in LVL
When i use the sharpshooter lineup the defense keep switching from pg to the sg mostly. Rarely to the C and pf while not switching at all ti the sf. Even when i use auto switching it doesn't switch to the defender facing the oppo. Except it switches to someone far apart


Rookie 1
The worst part is I chose Iggy x factor, now he is in ss, ******* no use of his brick ability if I can't manually switch players....

Also the more ss players in your ultimate lineup the more screwed it becomes.


All-Star 1
The more I play with SS the more I agree with those that say this is an intentional attempt to mimick a zone defense. To that all I can say is this what they spent their coding resources and efforts on? Are you f’ing kidding me?! 🙄😖


Pro 2
The more I play with SS the more I agree with those that say this is an intentional attempt to mimick a zone defense. To that all I can say is this what they spent their coding resources and efforts on? Are you f’ing kidding me?! 🙄😖

It was absolutely intentional. And it’s frigging ridiculous. How on earth could anyone think this would make gameplay more fun? Just how detached is the NBALM team from the reality of what players want? Seems they are at least the width of the Grand Canyon from us. I’ve been in contact with EA community manager and all he will say is “they are aware of the problem and working on it.” The issue with that Answer is my next question was -please answer this precise question: are defense Switching changes to SS lineup an intentional change to try to create a zone defense? And EA reps fell silent to that question. So “they are aware blah blah blah” is a canned Answer.

Edit - I also asked the community manager if EA would put a poll on Twitter - (1) keep current switching for Sharpshooter lineup or (2) Return Sharpshooter lineup switching to how it was before the app updates. The response - crickets. They don’t give one f###.


All-Star 1
It was absolutely intentional. And it’s frigging ridiculous. How on earth could anyone think this would make gameplay more fun? Just how detached is the NBALM team from the reality of what players want? Seems they are at least the width of the Grand Canyon from us. I’ve been in contact with EA community manager and all he will say is “they are aware of the problem and working on it.” The issue with that Answer is my next question was -please answer this precise question: are defense Switching changes to SS lineup an intentional change to try to create a zone defense? And EA reps fell silent to that question. So “they are aware blah blah blah” is a canned Answer.

Edit - I also asked the community manager if EA would put a poll on Twitter - (1) keep current switching for Sharpshooter lineup or (2) Return Sharpshooter lineup switching to how it was before the app updates. The response - crickets. They don’t give one f###.
My experience with LD and Street is at least positive post update. I agree SS is f’d up but now that I understand how the switch works (by player zone not nearest ball) it’s somewhat manageable. I can see where you’re coming from though if your eggs are in the SS basket. I’ve stuck with LD and Street for Ultimate since early on because it seems to fair better in lvl.


Pro 2
My experience with LD and Street is at least positive post update. I agree SS is f’d up but now that I understand how the switch works (by player zone not nearest ball) it’s somewhat manageable. I can see where you’re coming from though if your eggs are in the SS basket. I’ve stuck with LD and Street for Ultimate since early on because it seems to fair better in lvl.
So how do you switch to the correct zone. I’m terribly confused


All-Star 1
My experience with LD and Street is at least positive post update. I agree SS is f’d up but now that I understand how the switch works (by player zone not nearest ball) it’s somewhat manageable. I can see where you’re coming from though if your eggs are in the SS basket. I’ve stuck with LD and Street for Ultimate since early on because it seems to fair better in lvl.
The problem is that your defensive AI should follow the rules for the defensive alignment you're using......but you should always be able to switch players and make the controlled players do exactly what you want. Otherwise..... it's not true Manual Gameplay. And they should've seen that and therefore never changed how SS works until they could figure it out

Typical EA bulls**t. They can't even explain to the player base what was changed and how it was changed. So we get to scramble trying to figure out what our options are for a seemingly broken portion of the game. I've always hated their lack of communication with the community at large


All-Star 1
So how do you switch to the correct zone. I’m terribly confused
As far as I can tell the zone defense is divided into 3 or 4 quadrants. The PG and SG seem to share a quadrant, the SF and C and the PF and C. I say 3 or 4 because the top of the key is still confusing. Anyway, the reason you can’t switch between PG and SF (or C/PF) at the top of the key is because that “zone” is only shared with the SG so when you hit switch it goes to the SG even if he’s further from the ball. When the ball goes to the corner and the SF (or PF) are controlled and the PG (or SG) enters the zone it’s possible to switch back to him or (I think) even the C as long as he’s in the zone.

The fundamental Issue with their implementation (as far as I can see), is there’s no way to switch between the PG and C because they don’t share a zone so when your PG gets beat in the middle of the floor that’s it for manual control and leads to an AI defensive effort which is usually poor relative to manual play.

I think I could give a better analysis of exactly what’s going on if I was willing to play auto switch for a few quarters because then you could see the exact behavior of the switching. At least I assume this to be true based on the reports of those using auto that say it’s also “broken”.

As dub said, the real issue is they broke the hierarchy of what should take precedent. Instead of allowing manual switch to have the highest priority (meaning always switch to the player nearest the ball or at least cycle thru the players in sequence), they’ve given it to the imaginary zones on the floor And only allow switching to another player that shares a zone. Well, at least that’s my theory anyway.


Rookie 2
My experience with LD and Street is at least positive post update. I agree SS is f’d up but now that I understand how the switch works (by player zone not nearest ball) it’s somewhat manageable. I can see where you’re coming from though if your eggs are in the SS basket. I’ve stuck with LD and Street for Ultimate since early on because it seems to fair better in lvl.

It is zone defense. I noticed that a while back. To play ss. Just use pg. Stand in middle. Then that's it. If opponent passes. Then hope our ai can cover. Corner 3 will almost be undefended.

They should at least switch to the player defending the zone. Problem is they switch to the same position. Say if they pass to sg. We switch to sg. Even if our sg is nowhere near the ball/zone


All-Star 1
Admit it, you secretly long for the days of BW and Jenny from the Block! 😜
Lol. You got me!

Brian was all bait & switch. Lots of communication, made us feel like we had established a good connection, gave us inside info about things to come........ but then everything usually turned out to be crap. So the community inflated his ego and all the energy spent was for naught. Then he cried when ppl called him out for it. I don't think I want to go back to that time. Probably no better or worse than now. But I'd rather not re-live all of my anger


Rookie 1
Sharpshooter in the first place, the name itself shows it isnt a defensive lineup. Why change the gameplay to make it more defensive and break it as a result. Ehh, the sharpshooter coaches description is still wrong it says Man defense :D

Oh well, I am now shooting worse with SS coach than Street coach with ultimate even though Street gives +1 three and SS gives +5 three 😂


Rookie 1
It was absolutely intentional. And it’s frigging ridiculous. How on earth could anyone think this would make gameplay more fun? Just how detached is the NBALM team from the reality of what players want? Seems they are at least the width of the Grand Canyon from us. I’ve been in contact with EA community manager and all he will say is “they are aware of the problem and working on it.” The issue with that Answer is my next question was -please answer this precise question: are defense Switching changes to SS lineup an intentional change to try to create a zone defense? And EA reps fell silent to that question. So “they are aware blah blah blah” is a canned Answer.

Edit - I also asked the community manager if EA would put a poll on Twitter - (1) keep current switching for Sharpshooter lineup or (2) Return Sharpshooter lineup switching to how it was before the app updates. The response - crickets. They don’t give one f###.
Yeah its intentional. If it wasnt the bug would be fixed already


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