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Pippen and Rodman April Monthly Masters


All-Star 1
That's dope. Might try to do both this month. I hope they give Pip some love..... They always shortchange him on stats.


Rookie 1
That's dope. Might try to do both this month. I hope they give Pip some love..... They always shortchange him on stats.
I have 41 wildcard collectibles, if both stats look good I will do the same. I'm a Pippen fan but Rodman has always been a great rebounder for me.


Rookie 1
Gold MM exchange set has disappeared for me and i can't use the game of the night players (milton, don't know of robert) in lineup because the game won't load (resource download error)


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
True. He's been given a couple good ones over the years but more bad than good. Maybe I'm just biased but Pippen was a good player
Yeah it's a shame how most of his cards suck but every once in a while they give him a good card hopefully this is one of them remember in S2 those absolutely ass Finals cards that were way worse than his legend card


Rookie 2
Some players just get trash stats even though they’re good. Giannis is a perfect example


Pro 2
I’m hoping they are good +4 boosts and not abilities. Although I’ve pretty much given up on rebounding boosts making a difference this year. :(


Rookie 1
Gold MM exchange set has disappeared for me and i can't use the game of the night players (milton, don't know of robert) in lineup because the game won't load (resource download error)
Cmon guys, y'all are just gon ignore this?


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Sadly, Pippen appears to be a bench card. And 103’s...wtf.🤦🏼‍♂️🙄
Pippen looks fine imo since his ghost was crazy good which I only sold because it went for 6 mil at the time but I never tried his 98 but when his stats look a little slow this year at least the card is good instead of years past where the card played like shit to match the stats


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Scottie Pippen was a great player - a legend, even - but in what world was he a better rebounder than Dennis Rodman?
In the world where EA can make any stats they want to out of thin air but it's ok for 2 reasons the box out stats are night and day between the cards and then that rebounding stats don't really mean much in this game


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Thank you Stewie. You showed me it's gonna be ok to pick Rodman yet still justified my indignation. Nicely done! :cool:
Lol all good I'm going with Pippen since I'm a bigger fan of his and I need at least 1 big that can shoot since most the high overall Cs can't shoot at all that role than is forced on my PF


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