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New Golden ticket cards


Pro 2
Might try to snag Yao and Manute for some twin towers action on my Street LU

I pulled Shaq and Fall on gob packs. Picked up Giannis. That gives me clutch 3 s on everyone but center. I can’t get all those clutches off in a 2 minute drive anyway. lol


Pro 2
I was playing the lockdown event against GSWs. Everytime Fall had the ball and Curry got tight on Def, Fall crumpled exactly like what happened when a normal sized player hit an elf In the North Pole event. That animation can’t be what is supposed to happen. Must be a left over coding artifact and the size difference between Fall and Curry was enough to trigger it, because it didn’t happen when I played SD against Magic. 🤦‍♂️
So they can't be bothered making weekly program cards but a bunch of Game Changers can design Golden Ticket cards. At least they're not as ugly as the last batch.


Rookie 3
So many GT cards, but only a few that seem worth it to me.

PG CJ has great shooting stats and excellent boosts. I’ll probably try to snipe him at some point. Or maybe AI, but that’s more of a personal bias.

There’s too many SF’s though, and I still haven’t decided what lineup im going to use MM Bird in, so it’s not really worth it to spend nearly all of my cash on one of those cards.

SG Harden also doesn’t seem worth it over the 97 Harden from the Houston promo.


Rookie 3
The Iverson card is fantastic! I’ve had him for about five days and just sold him with a 1M net profit, but he’s by far the best PG I’ve played with this season! I’ll probably buy him again when the prices start dropping. Great at steals and my most reliable shooter yet.


All-Star 1
The Iverson card is fantastic! I’ve had him for about five days and just sold him with a 1M net profit, but he’s by far the best PG I’ve played with this season! I’ll probably buy him again when the prices start dropping. Great at steals and my most reliable shooter yet.
A lot of them are really good. Booker is a deadeye and Giannis is a beast. Garnett seems to have good AI. PF Yao is tough to play against


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