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I made a huge mistake


Rookie 1
I just finished grinding for my two Yao's PG and C, I feel like I didn't come away with any cards. I wanted PF Shaq instead of PG Yao, because I heard so many wonderful things about him I pulled the trigger for that card. I had GT Melo, he is hands down the best PGs I've used all season not including one of my favorite players. Long story short I am not using either player and I feel like I made a huge mistake. Hopefully we can sell the players in the future, right now I did so much grinding for basically nothing.


Rookie 1
Yeah for me the PG is not really great but him good as a shot block at the manual event though overwhelmed with fast player like CP but I think don't have to sell him,
you can put it on bench as well since the boost is OBD.
For PF Shaq yeah him great but for me i rather like Malone as starters for PF position.
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All-Star 1
Melo gt is good?? Feel like getting him but watched his gameplay in YouTube he makes so much bricks
He was great offensively but I got rid of him bc he seemed slow on Defense, wasn't getting enough steals with him or keeping up with quicker PGs


Rookie 1
He was great offensively but I got rid of him bc he seemed slow on Defense, wasn't getting enough steals with him or keeping up with quicker PGs
He has been great for me, he is essentially a 95% three point shooter. I get a lot of steals and the BB comes in handy. Yao on the other hand feels really slow, I can get steals but I always get beat my faster players. I feel the same way with C Yao, he is too slow to go against players with 10+ speed difference.


All-Star 1
He has been great for me, he is essentially a 95% three point shooter. I get a lot of steals and the BB comes in handy. Yao on the other hand feels really slow, I can get steals but I always get beat my faster players. I feel the same way with C Yao, he is too slow to go against players with 10+ speed difference.
I would've probably kept him but I'm trying to get to 110 and he isn't a playstyle match so he's gone. 107 Smart is a nice replacement and with Vince and Durant hitting everything, I don't need my PG for 3s at this point


Rookie 1
I would've probably kept him but I'm trying to get to 110 and he isn't a playstyle match so he's gone. 107 Smart is a nice replacement and with Vince and Durant hitting everything, I don't need my PG for 3s at this point
I can't sell the players, I am using Curry's and Embiid's boosts. Even if I didn't like PF Shaq I would have kept him at as a boost player more than anything.


Rookie 1
He has been great for me, he is essentially a 95% three point shooter. I get a lot of steals and the BB comes in handy. Yao on the other hand feels really slow, I can get steals but I always get beat my faster players. I feel the same way with C Yao, he is too slow to go against players with 10+ speed difference.

Same experience for me..
Melo and Bol GTs are great PGs for me


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