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TOTY tokens..


Rookie 1

49 PF
43 PG
39 C
37 SF
7 SG

It is just me? 175 tokens and just 7 SGs. I didn't see single SG token since 30h or so..

I don't care about this 'promo', we all know it's a joke, but since I have a lot of reps and they are useless, I just buy 9999 pack 2-3 times per day and I'm kinda shocked with the results.. this pack is giving me 5-6 PF/PG tokens, the rest is C/SF and zero SGs.. wtf EA.


Rookie 1
Yea, probably different one for everyone.. I had like 30 to 15 in specialist set, but 49 to 7.. what a joke.


Rookie 1
I hate EA developers like nothing else in the world!

I don?t even get the tokens anymore this is a big joke! Shame on them!
Haven?t had this problem. I keep the tokens in the set. The elites are worthless on Asia so I mostly use them for TP. What I can?t understand is the cooldown. Seems absurd to me. You need so many tokens to get a platinum that there?s no point in having a cool down period.


Rookie 1
Haven?t had this problem. I keep the tokens in the set. The elites are worthless on Asia so I mostly use them for TP. What I can?t understand is the cooldown. Seems absurd to me. You need so many tokens to get a platinum that there?s no point in having a cool down period.
They were worth over 1M in the first days, so I sold 1st one and the rest is like you said, just for TP.


Rookie 1
Well, time to stop wasting reps..

I have 66 PF, over 50 SF,PG,C and.. 9 SG.

2 players, 91/93ov, no chance for 3rd.. Worst promo ever for me.


All-Star 3
Haven?t had this problem. I keep the tokens in the set. The elites are worthless on Asia so I mostly use them for TP. What I can?t understand is the cooldown. Seems absurd to me. You need so many tokens to get a platinum that there?s no point in having a cool down period.
They were worth over 1M in the first days, so I sold 1st one and the rest is like you said, just for TP.
Still makes more sense to sell them and buy cheaper similar ovr cards for tp.. as the promo cards go for more..


All-Star 3
Well, time to stop wasting reps..

I have 66 PF, over 50 SF,PG,C and.. 9 SG.

2 players, 91/93ov, no chance for 3rd.. Worst promo ever for me.

Are u playing the live events at all?.. I found that I get a lot of the missing tokens from their.. I still haven't had a point where the cooldown was over and I didn't have 50 ready.. maybe its bcz I spend all the stamina on the live events.. then again maybe ur playing SD..


Rookie 1
Are u playing the live events at all?.. I found that I get a lot of the missing tokens from their.. I still haven't had a point where the cooldown was over and I didn't have 50 ready.. maybe its bcz I spend all the stamina on the live events.. then again maybe ur playing SD..
Not much, almost stopped playing TOTY events yesterday, but events/bonus pack/DO pack are the same for me, zero SG tokens.. maybe this is the price for luck from Playoff Moments. ;o


All-Star 3
I gues the luck is spread around this season.. store packs have been bad for me.. but promo set pulls have been decent..


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