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Missing 107 GOTW Masters?


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
I've seen Simmons, Klay, Kuzma, Beal, Siakam, Cousins, Whiteside, Middleton, and Doncic but not any of the other players that got new 99s and 105s does anyone have a picture of all the players you get to choose from in the pack in this picture you can see a 107 Iggy but I haven't seen him on the AH I'm just wonder what the other ones look like
I think the 107s are the exact same that the 105s, same art with better stats.

No idea about the 99s.

With tomorrow's gold token i will get a 99, and then my 3rd 105 & my first 107 (I had 44 elite tokens)

I can take screenshots of whatever you want.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
I think the 107s are the exact same that the 105s, same art with better stats.

No idea about the 99s.

With tomorrow's gold token i will get a 99, and then my 3rd 105 & my first 107 (I had 44 elite tokens)

I can take screenshots of whatever you want.
Ok thank you I claimed a 99 and it had a bunch of players I saw with 105s on the AH and yeah I figured every player that got an update got a card at all 3 overalls but it seems people are choosing the same players every time sadly I didn't see a 99 Ibaka in the set so he didn't get an OP 105/107


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Apparently Iggy, CP3, Smart, Ayton, Jimmy, and Tobias are the 107s I haven't seen on the AH I really wish they made Ibaka one of those upgraded cards considering the 98 was OP at the time so a 107 would be godly


All-Star 3
Apparently Iggy, CP3, Smart, Ayton, Jimmy, and Tobias are the 107s I haven't seen on the AH I really wish they made Ibaka one of those upgraded cards considering the 98 was OP at the time so a 107 would be godly
Ya was desperately looking for a good pf in the pack.. finally took kuzma bcz hes a def pf (figured he would go for more.. didnt realise he would go for max cap)


All-Star 1
No like I said I underpriced.. got only 3 mill
Yeah, sorry. Forgot to say "could've". I'm sitting on my GOTW tokens for the MM objectives reset. Probably going to cost me some coin but I'm trying to avoid another weekly pass. Seems possible to get first 108 VC with minimal use of my saved BP's that I'm also not using for Cosmic promo.


All-Star 3
Yeah, sorry. Forgot to say "could've". I'm sitting on my GOTW tokens for the MM objectives reset. Probably going to cost me some coin but I'm trying to avoid another weekly pass. Seems possible to get first 108 VC with minimal use of my saved BP's that I'm also not using for Cosmic promo.
Ah.. I opened all of mine.. should be able to complete pg13 too.. waiting for stamina is so depressing..


All-Star 1
Ah.. I opened all of mine.. should be able to complete pg13 too.. waiting for stamina is so depressing..
How many did you have? I'm stting on about 275 and believe me, the thought of this being the last promo that uses bp's has crossed my mind more than once! ;)


NBA Legend
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Anyone seen Smart yet I'm very interested in in him based on the stats on the 105 but still have yet to see a 107 Smart


NBA Legend
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I saw one yesterday. Didn't blow my mind. Think he was balanced?
Yeah he's balanced I do know that if you're looking for defense from a PG he looks top notch based on the 105 having 98 defense and over 100 in all of the defensive secondary stats


Rookie 1
Damn... Was planning on getting kuzma tomorrow. Now im tempted to sell. If he doesn't up me to 109 I'll probably sell and get someone cheaper


NBA Legend
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I never got around to posting this but I finally got the one I was looking for the most with some assistance from @X020179 who sniped that card then posting it for me which it mirrored back to his AH and he bought it again and tried to sell to me again the 2nd time wàs a charm here is Smart who seems to be the rarest of all the 107 GOTW masters and his stats are really good especially defensively and my team defense has greatly improved with him compared to 106 Magic, 107 Rose, 106 Bol, 107 Nash, 107 Marbury, 107 CP3, 106 Curry and any other PG I've used at 109 overall here are his stats for anyone wondering and yes he shuts down every PG I face even if they take a shot it's usually a miss and he shoots really well too there is a big improvement from the 105 to the 107 in shooting stats both primary and secondary I don't see why people made a point of not choosing him from the pack but hey it's their loss


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