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Where does this come from


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
That was a waste on your part because you can choose which one you want at each milestone and buying cards from the AH well so you could just buy the coaches and hit those milestones then sell the coaches


Rookie 1
Not a waste cause I’m not getting even 5 of the crappy players from this event I’m only doing first wins and running season none of the players except masters will make my teams


Pro 2
The Def and Balanced are good boost items , especially with all the Steal, on ball, and block player boosts in this campaign. You have to claim 5 award players to get 1, 10 to get 2. The street is meh. I bought both on ah, because I’m not getting 10 awards players.

Here are examples of boosts with new Def then new Balanced plus some new player boosts helping. These play! Still working on the player boosts. Don’t need +14 Steal for example. Too much 3pt boost on balanced coach lineup.



Pro 1
Not a waste cause I’m not getting even 5 of the crappy players from this event I’m only doing first wins and running season none of the players except masters will make my teams
Yeah it is a waste because you spent double what you needed to lmao


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Not a waste cause I’m not getting even 5 of the crappy players from this event I’m only doing first wins and running season none of the players except masters will make my teams
You could've bought them from the AH and sold them right after you got the item it would have saved you 90% of what you spent and that's without trying to snipe


Rookie 1
The Def and Balanced are good boost items , especially with all the Steal, on ball, and block player boosts in this campaign. You have to claim 5 award players to get 1, 10 to get 2. The street is meh. I bought both on ah, because I’m not getting 10 awards players.

Here are examples of boosts with new Def then new Balanced plus some new player boosts helping. These play! Still working on the player boosts. Don’t need +14 Steal for example. Too much 3pt boost on balanced coach lineup.

View attachment 1458 View attachment 1459
How did you get that huge 3 point boost with defensive lineup? Which players did you use?


Rookie 1
How do I get one of them without having to buy it from AH ?
It's said collect 5, 10 and 15 NBA awards nominees so which ones are called NBA awards nominees ?

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
How do I get one of them without having to buy it from AH ?
It's said collect 5, 10 and 15 NBA awards nominees so which ones are called NBA awards nominees ?
Unlock all 3 coaches and 2 most improved players because it cost less stamina to do thwm and you will get one boost item to place instead of coach


Pro 1
The +11 is from Miami Vice Court , +4 Nuggets Jersey, +3 GS orange jersey. The +14 adds 104 Porter.
Could you try using the new defensive boost with the Fool’s Court, Nuggets jersey, and a Sonics jersey + whatever boosts you want and see if you can get PG to 108? I’d like to know before I get him if possible, if not then no worries!


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Stewie is the most arrogant person I've ever met. He thinks he's the man, and I believe he knows nothing about basketball. I'm out of this crappy community, which is ran by clueless people.
Bye now thanks for the kind words stranger nice to know how you feel while quoting me answering someone's question you couldn't have picked a worse one to quote


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