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Stats don’t matter (?)


Rookie 1
Also, sorry for getting back to all of you that late, but I was getting kinda bored with the game. I didn?t even grind showdown, since the reward is a trash and one of the most useless cards in the game at this point. Thanks for everyone?s input though.

I think Kawhi is auctionable but even if he wasn?t, I?m ?grinding? (not really, just Top 500 which is about 10 matches a day) SD for f?ing free TP. This game has so much potential but they continue to F it up at every turn.

I hadn?t play for 3 straight days , because I only wanted to be in the top1000 for the free TP points as well.


Rookie 1
Based on a little study I did myself, I can say shooting feedback is actually accurate minus rare errors (bad angles, missed clutches). So the odds of making your shot is what it says, but I'll give you a few of my superstitions:
  • OVR advantage heavily affects your shooting even if feedback doesn't say so
  • Shots that have ~60% chance always brick
  • Dunks miss very rarely, but then a few happen in short intervals so it looks like that's often
  • Fadeaways don't affect shooting percentage (this one is undoubtedly true), so they're basically open shots that only look difficult
  • AI Buzzerbeaters go in way too often

There's a rumor that your cards gameplay worsens if you keep it for long, as in EA forces you to buy new cards. I don't buy it personally.
As for missed clutches...idk.

Nice ;)

The last rumor may be, perhaps, easily explained: as other teams get better, your old cards become more and more disappointing.
So Jamal and Mashburn are considered old now? Damn EA!

Jamal Mashburn is only up for 2 weeks


Rookie 3
Don't rely or expect too much on 3 point shooting even if your cards have high ratings. Just play your normal basketball - do fast break, inside shots, drives, then occasional 3s. Pay attention also on your team mates movement especially the screens and hand signs asking for the ball as i have high percentage for 3s when it is executed through good play. Ovr advantage and random difficulty is still a big factor though.


Rookie 1
Don't rely or expect too much on 3 point shooting even if your cards have high ratings. Just play your normal basketball - do fast break, inside shots, drives, then occasional 3s. Pay attention also on your team mates movement especially the screens and hand signs asking for the ball as i have high percentage for 3s when it is executed through good play. Ovr advantage and random difficulty is still a big factor though.

Let?s be real: large showdown margins means successful 3pt shooting and the occasional fast break dunk. At least that?s what I understand. And like you said ovr advantage and random difficulty is a big factor. But thanks for your advice. I?ll give it a shot.


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