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The Snipe Thread


Rookie 1
Re: My Personal Snipe Thread

That?s an impressive list. <EMOJI seq="1f44d-1f3fc"></EMOJI>

Sorry for the double post.

My only snipe was 101 La Lebron. Bought for 5 mil. Sold for 10 mil. Jk


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: My Personal Snipe Thread

I will have to merge this due to you yourself pointing out that you have a post just like this in a thread there is no need to try and draw extra attention to yourself because your post isn't the one everyone will see it happens no big deal but I'll leave this up so that you see what was decided on this thread before I merge


Pro 1
Re: My Personal Snipe Thread

I will have to merge this due to you yourself pointing out that you have a post just like this in a thread there is no need to try and draw extra attention to yourself because your post isn't the one everyone will see it happens no big deal but I'll leave this up so that you see what was decided on this thread before I merge

What I meant was I keep having to find that thread and scroll and keep trying to find mine, it just gets really tiring, but it?s cool I understand


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: My Personal Snipe Thread

I will have to merge this due to you yourself pointing out that you have a post just like this in a thread there is no need to try and draw extra attention to yourself because your post isn't the one everyone will see it happens no big deal but I'll leave this up so that you see what was decided on this thread before I merge

What I meant was I keep having to find that thread and scroll and keep trying to find mine, it just gets really tiring, but it?s cool I understand

All good I'm sure once these packs are gone then we can go back to individual snipe threads but these packs are feeling it atm so keeping it all together for now is best


Pro 1
Re: My Personal Snipe Thread

I will have to merge this due to you yourself pointing out that you have a post just like this in a thread there is no need to try and draw extra attention to yourself because your post isn't the one everyone will see it happens no big deal but I'll leave this up so that you see what was decided on this thread before I merge

What I meant was I keep having to find that thread and scroll and keep trying to find mine, it just gets really tiring, but it?s cool I understand

All good I'm sure once these packs are gone then we can go back to individual snipe threads but these packs are feeling it atm so keeping it all together for now is best

Oh absolutely these packs are game changers for me that list I have posted are literally from just when the packs dropped to as of this post with the exception of a few


Pro 1
Two Fire Simmons for 7.8m and 6m back to back... I love these packs

Man these cards aren't coming up in my AH!

I admire XO?s tenacity...I check like 4 or 5 times a day. Dude must be hitting refresh every 5:05 with like 10 different filters! Haha

You caught me.. I use a method that allows me to get to the drops before other people that requires two phones lol. 100% NOT AGAINST THE RULES I FOUND A LITTLE TRICK IN THE AUCTION HOUSE DONT BAN ME PLEASE LOL


Rookie 1
I'm trying to figure out why people are just putting what they sold a card for on here and not what they paid for it in the auction house.


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