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An Idea for lineups next season


Rookie 1
theres so many things i could say i want next season, but ill start with lineups

not a fan of bench. remove that. idc bout chemistry either. i just wanna be able to use lots of cards

as i buy my fav cards and dont go for ovr, its frustrating when i wanna play with 2 cards, but can only choose 1

instead, heres an idea: hav the normal nba lineup and classic lineup, without benches

if you add benches, let us at least use them

then, have another lineup that can allow both nba and classic cards, for the spares.

heres an example of what my lieup might look like with this...




All-Star 3
I had similar thoughts last season.. wanted a 'guest' lineup where we could mix and match players of liking [really wanted a good spurs lineup but couldnt have one with high ovr parker ginobli Leonard duncan and robinson.. relatively possible this season.. ]


Rookie 1
I agree 100% regarding the bench. I get zero satisfaction from buying a 100 over player and never use him since I only buy him to increase the ovr.
I find the concept of season 1 much better. 5 lineups +1 temporary lineup, where all 25+5 players are useful. I never understood why they changed it to the concept of season 2. I always hoped they would at least add 1 lineup


Pro 1
Honestly anything is better than the current system, I understand the concept of the bench and chemistry but it really makes no sense because it only hurts you as the game progresses, especially with Showdown. Last seasons format would have worked far better than now


Pro 1
Imo the bench dynamic is fine. Maybe improve a bit, for example with players originally conceived as bench players to begin with, but that's it.

However, a 3rd and 4th lineup would be GREAT.
I would like to form and play with an all-Pistons lineup, both NBA and Classic, but it's just not competitive enough. And it's too much trouble too keep changing 9-10 players. There should at least be an extra lineup for non-competitive play.

While we're at it, can EA keep the NBA lineup for active players and the Classic for retired players? Please? Maybe a 3rd one where you could mix them all up?


Rookie 1
I think we only need 3 lineup slots that could fit both classic and NBA, then if you want a Classic lineup you can just put Classic players.


Rookie 1
I'm really hoping they go back to the 5 lineup system from S1, or maybe even make an improvement from that system


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I just want a freestyle lineup like the one in the soft launch where we can do whatever we want


Pro 1
I just want a freestyle lineup like the one in the soft launch where we can do whatever we want

Absolutely, I recently changed my team to former and current Sonics-OKC players but I have no use for the TOTY Paul George I was going to get as I have FMVP KD, I would like to put him at SG


Rookie 2
I just want a freestyle lineup like the one in the soft launch where we can do whatever we want

I wanted a possible feature this season, the ability to "stretch" positions. Like a SF could be put at either SG or PF, Point Guards could be stretched to SG and so on. Would make more sense with the few lineups we get while preventing Centers as point and such as somewhat of a restriction.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I just want a freestyle lineup like the one in the soft launch where we can do whatever we want

I wanted a possible feature this season, the ability to "stretch" positions. Like a SF could be put at either SG or PF, Point Guards could be stretched to SG and so on. Would make more sense with the few lineups we get while preventing Centers as point and such as somewhat of a restriction.

Yeah that's possible in other basketball games but not this one smh


Rookie 1
I like the wildcard lineup idea. Bottom line.....they are going to format it whatever way makes the most money for them.


Rookie 1
Last year wasn?t a money grab though. It was too get us all hooked On having high ovr teams to get us to spend money this year.


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