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Rookie 3
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I've heard that a bit edlllpt, sorry to hear you were one of them!

& Yup, teamducan - selling everything off this promo!


Rookie 1
There are unauctionable versions of the TOTY cards from the 98-99 TOTY set that are 2 overall less then the auctionable ones so 98 Markkanen instead of 100, 99 Porzingis instead of 99, etc. I made those changes in the player lists

Do you know whether the 98-99 cards come with boosts or not?


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
There are unauctionable versions of the TOTY cards from the 98-99 TOTY set that are 2 overall less then the auctionable ones so 98 Markkanen instead of 100, 99 Porzingis instead of 99, etc. I made those changes in the player lists

Do you know whether the 98-99 cards come with boosts or not?

This is the boosts they give which are likely broken as with every rep fan, and coin boost given to newer cards


Rookie 1
There are unauctionable versions of the TOTY cards from the 98-99 TOTY set that are 2 overall less then the auctionable ones so 98 Markkanen instead of 100, 99 Porzingis instead of 99, etc. I made those changes in the player lists

Do you know whether the 98-99 cards come with boosts or not?

This is the boosts they give which are likely broken as with every rep fan, and coin boost given to newer cards
Thanks, crap promo ...


Rookie 2
There's a timer on the 50 tokens. I already have 50. But not sure if I'll use. Any leaks from Asia on what happens to the set after it expires?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Edited Alekk's post to show the TOTY Cs coming out in a little less then 15 hours


Rookie 2
All of the Centers have worse rebounding stats than any of the power forwards and have trash stats in general.
I also ended up liking that PM promo because I was able to land 97 Dwight. My other faves were the playoffs promo where I got 97 Duncan, and the recent award winner nominees promo, which got me 97 Lauri and ITP shaq. Current promo can kiss my ass, but maybe there is hope yet if I?m able to rack up the ten 91+ elites by the end and redeem for one 98-99 plat. TBD.
The last decent promo was Playoffs Moments..

that promo was great for some people but awful for others.
I only got a 97 davis out of it so it ranks pretty bad in my list.


Pro 1
How did you see the TOTY Centers? I saw Capela on the AH. I?m assuming they?re from the packs in the store obviously.


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