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(Please answer) what kind of videos you like to watch on YT

What kind of videos you like to watch on YT

  • Gameplay

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tips and tricks

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • Pack opening

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • Others(please comment below)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Rookie 3
I will soon start uploading on my yt channel which will be my first step towards being a game changer but before that I want to know everybody's choices


Pro 1
The ones i like the most, with some a "must see", are the campaign/promo breakdown videos.

I also enjoy some gameplay and card reviews.

Long 1h+ series videos are the ones i watch less (and when i do, i'm not really watching for some 90% of the video).


Rookie 1
The ones i like the most, with some a "must see", are the campaign/promo breakdown videos.

I also enjoy some gameplay and card reviews.

Long 1h+ series videos are the ones i watch less (and when i do, i'm not really watching for some 90% of the video).

i also like breakdowns and yes, no long videos. 10-13 minutes is my attention span for vids
I personally only watch YouTube videos to see what's in packs or promo sneak peaks. Ain't nothing I can learn from a youtuber about gameplay, tips or tricks considering I've been playing this game longer than almost everyone.


Pro 1
sneak peaks about the next content is the only stuff I watch and even in those I'm skipping a lot to get to the parts that matter - like sets.


All-Star 3
1. What gets the most views is pack openings.. but dont know how much money u willing to spend ..
2. Pure grinding/tips that seem obvious to people here are not obvious to lot of people/how to make coin
3. Gameplay with rare cards for eg. The d rose card now
4. Theme lineups.. look at Bobby buckets old videos and dhitman s videos to get an idea..
5. Try to have something individual.. if ur videos are like everyone else ur not going to get views.. try some find some content which no one else is doing rt now.. for eg lvl drives(4ktosh does it occasionally)


Pro 1
Oh, btw, maybe it?s just me but i really don?t like ?overexcited? youtubers that seem to be shouting all the time, making clown faces, etc (like QJB or Dhitman). But if that?s your thing/style go for it: there sure is an audience for that out there.
Some yters seem to only do pack openings, and when they finally do gameplay it?s in the SEASON lol.....like what?? You can do well with a bronze in season lol....and you?re on a test server, it?s hard to watch and get excited for a pack opener on a test server, but maybe it?s me.


Rookie 1
I used to watch pack openings sometimes so I could see the pack odds, but now that they show us the pack probabilities I don't anymore. Now I watch some promo breakdowns and stuff.

There isn't a lot of skill involved in this game. The game doesn't have a lot of content either, and unless you spend some cash it's going to be hard to open 5 bundles every video. This game(including other EA mobile games) just isn't the best game for Youtube. I am still willing to check out the channel though.


Rookie 3
Thanks everyone for your answers I have a lot of work to do this month so I think I will start uploading from 1st December but I will try my best to upload a video on harvest promo


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