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Something seems suspect

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Rookie 1
Really?? Either your opponent is really trash or they just autoplay...its impossible to even win against higher overall opponents cause of the advantage shit
I suspect autoplay...
But really i regularly win my quarters in sd by about 10 points even back then when my ovl is 100 and 102 is the top ovl...
Honestly i feel surprised that my results are unique because i always feel that the opponents AI in SD is quite, well.... dumb...


Rookie 2
It happens that sometimes we just play really well even vs higher ovr and sometimes we play really bad against lower ovr.

The idea is on average we should be winning most of our games vs lower ovr and losing most vs higher ovr. But like what is said above. Sometimes it happens. Lakers have beaten warriors even during pre lebron. But on average warriors should still have more wins.

While I wouldn't rule out possibility of cheating. Problem is we don't have enough evidence. Unless we have proof that that guy is winning by 20pts consecutively vs higher over. Or someone else experienced the same thing until we have enough evidence. It's all speculation at this point. Which is a problem. But so far not much solution.

In s2 I lost to a 96ovr while I'm 102 by 26 points. I can suspect cheating, problem is there's not enough evidence.

But if multiple users can come forward and say hey that guy is beating everyone by 20. Then either he's really really good or is cheating


All-Star 1
Really?? Either your opponent is really trash or they just autoplay...its impossible to even win against higher overall opponents cause of the advantage shit
It's not impossible to beat higher OVR at all. If you're a good player, you know how to win regardless of advantage. Too many ppl just keep jacking 3 pointers when the shooting gets nerfed and then they lose by a bunch. Good players know how to steal a lot, hit high % shots, and defend well.


Rookie 1
It's not impossible to beat higher OVR at all. If you're a good player, you know how to win regardless of advantage. Too many ppl just keep jacking 3 pointers when the shooting gets nerfed and then they lose by a bunch. Good players know how to steal a lot, hit high % shots, and defend well.

I regularly score about 20 points and the AI is about 4 to 10 in my SD quarter...
Offense is easy, the caveat is in defense...


Rookie 1
Easier to blame it on cheating than accept the fact that you're not as good as you picture it in your head and address the weakness in our game or the way we play....Its a basketball game (video game) upsets are possible....just because your opponent's overall is lower doesnt mean they're gonna lose...if thats how things are done then what is the point of giving 2:30 minutes of play if the results are already predetermined base on higher and lower overall...just stating my opinion if i came off combative i apologize havent had enough sleep the past few days...lol


Pro 2
This thread feels like Reddit.

The whole idea that ovr is preemptively determinative in gameplay is defeatist nonsense. Like Anatdoc said, skill is a factor. Then there may be something like the three options another member noted above. Regardless, it’s a multi variant deal.

Ovr matters, it matters a lot. But so does skill. And that primarily means skill at Defense. I can play an ovr 2 below my team, win by 15 and still lose the game. Not always, not even often, but occasionally. It’s not cheating or developer graft - it’s simply that I ran into a guy who has tremendous skill, mostly an ability to steal on the majority of possessions. (We will see this first hand next season on pvp). If you play a lot of Showdown, like top 100 Showdown, you will run into these players over and over.

So is multi variant and the variants are hierarchical. There are 3 or 4 players on this forum with whom I’d rather not match up. They are just that good.

If I only beat a lower ovr by a bucket or two, I’ve played like shit and reasonably expect I might lose. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t.
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Rookie 1
If you are familiar with your players, winning will not be a problem for you even they have a higher ovr against you.

You win some , you lose some!

At the end of the day , it is just a game - play and enjoy!
Kid Twist Kid Twist your frustration is understandable but you are wrong in your opinion. Many of us here beat higher ovr players all the time in SD regularly. The screenshot you provided is not a good example of the manipulation you suggest as you only put up +3 with a 4% advantage (+1ovr = 2%). Even a 104ovr may have been able to beat that. Now if you had put up 24-2 and the 105ovr puts up 38-4 then you may have a point BUT the manipulation you suggest is simply not possible in SD, only in LvsL tournaments so it would still be skill that beat you.


All-Star 3
You people can’t possibly think that Showdown is a test of skill.
To some extent.. it's not all ovr... as a 107 I have lost to 106s and 105s.. and i KNOW the mistakes or bad shots i made in those quarters. And i assume that the really skilled players dont do that...
If you’re 105 OVR and you beat a 107 OVR the chances are that you faced an easier than expected AI and your opponent faced a more difficult than expected AI. Even if you face a moderate to difficult AI and you play well, you still have no idea how the AI was for your opponent. It’s presumptuous to assume you’re better than the player you beat. Showdown isn’t a level playing field. I am sure there are pinball wizard types who can steal the ball regardless of how difficult the AI is but even that doesn’t take a huge amount of skil. Not making mistakes is a fair point and involves a degree of concentration but you’re still at the mercy of the random outcomes that SD produces. If SD were skill based people wouldn’t be able to autoplay their way to Legend and we’d see more customized lineups instead of the leaderboard being mostly 107/108.
If you’re 105 OVR and you beat a 107 OVR the chances are that you faced an easier than expected AI and your opponent faced a more difficult than expected AI. Even if you face a moderate to difficult AI and you play well, you still have no idea how the AI was for your opponent. It’s presumptuous to assume you’re better than the player you beat. Showdown isn’t a level playing field. I am sure there are pinball wizard types who can steal the ball regardless of how difficult the AI is but even that doesn’t take a huge amount of skil. Not making mistakes is a fair point and involves a degree of concentration but you’re still at the mercy of the random outcomes that SD produces. If SD were skill based people wouldn’t be able to autoplay their way to Legend and we’d see more customized lineups instead of the leaderboard being mostly 107/108.
You make some good points about the randomness of the A.I but I respectfully disagree. They are some really skilled players out there. Some that have passed through my league who post some ridiculous gameplay on our chat that is hard to emulate. There was one guy who knew exactly how many seconds certain animations would take and would time his steals, blocks and shots accordingly. And he was always top 20 while at a lower ovr than most. Last I saw him he was a 104 in top 10 while the rest were all 107s-108s. I'd say skill has something to do with that and he can't possibly always get to play easy A.I to be constantly up there while at a disadvantage.


Rookie 1
I'm a crybaby so I'm gonna go cry alone and then go to a different platform for this game
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Rookie 1
I think it is all how you play bro..i am 106 now but as 105 i have beaten 107 by as much as 10..like someone said it is like a lottery but also i feel like your skill in the game against AI plays a huge role..and there have been times when i have lost my quarter but still my AI puts up alot and i win the match..end of the day all you can really do is try your damndest to win your quarter and the rest is out of your hands.


Pro 2
The other thing we aren’t talking about is a lot of folks look at ovr as if it were just a definitive point. It’s not. It’s a bracket. Within that bracket you can have a weak 107 or a strong 107, for example, based on having the right boosts and card chemistry or not. A weak 107 has a bigger disadvantage against a 108 than a strong 107. A strong 107 may have very little disadvantage against a 108 with cards selected only to reach the magical new ovr. I see it all the time when people (including me) start getting new promo cards. They torture their lineup to reach the next ovr, for example 108. Those teams are easier to beat than than a strong 107 in my experience. I typically check out the boosts on opponents to get a handle on how teams react with different levels and types of boosts. I was keeping a weak 108 just for lvl ai. I didn’t play with it. I played with a strong 107. And it wasn’t uncommon for a 106 to drop a +19 on a 108. So I stopped doing that recently and my net lvl margin increased.

There’s a lot more going on than a lot of people are willing to concede.
You make some good points about the randomness of the A.I but I respectfully disagree. They are some really skilled players out there. Some that have passed through my league who post some ridiculous gameplay on our chat that is hard to emulate. There was one guy who knew exactly how many seconds certain animations would take and would time his steals, blocks and shots accordingly. And he was always top 20 while at a lower ovr than most. Last I saw him he was a 104 in top 10 while the rest were all 107s-108s. I'd say skill has something to do with that and he can't possibly always get to play easy A.I to be constantly up there while at a disadvantage.

What your ex-leaguemate does is obviously effective but I'm not sure I would call that a true test of skill. He's doing the same thing over and over again as I'm sure most people do. If EA can successfully introduce PvP, and that PvP has no OVR advantage and the same conditions for both players, then I think you'll see a true test of people's skill because they won't be able to guess the opponent's actions or moves as easily as they can read the AI animations.

In general, I think this game is a lot simpler than people make out. It's a mobile game for goodness sake. I remember Brian used to tell us how all this crap was taken into account when rebounding or shooting but no, the rebound goes to whoever is closed to the ball and the shot has a certain chance of missing even if it's open with a perfect release. I don't believe that boosts have a tremendous impact on gameplay. They are mostly there to increase OVR and encourage grinding/spending.


Rookie 1
It’s not cheating or developer graft - it’s simply that I ran into a guy who has tremendous skill, mostly an ability to steal on the majority of possessions. (We will see this first hand next season on pvp). If you play a lot of Showdown, like top 100 Showdown, you will run into these players over and over.
If there will be PvP mode you will see nothing from this because most of these cheap tricks that we are now using vs dumb AI will not work vs human controlled team. You will need to learn from start how to be effective vs other guys, forget about 5 steals per quarter and final results like 28-4, 25-0 etc..
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