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Auction House Still Refusing to sell cards


Rookie 1
I known about this bug for a while, but it has really gotten out of hand. I've been trying to sell a few 101's+ on my bench for nearly 3 weeks and only 2 of the cards have sold. I have been posting these cards for 100 bid and about 50 to 70k at most below the average buy now price and no luck. I have been adjusting the prices here and there, but nothing. What I have been able to sell are some 90's and collectibles and thats really it. It's getting really annoying since thats around half a million to 750k in profit. Any tips?
100/99999999 works for me, but i dont sell low plats since a long time ago, so i dont know if that still works. I put them on the SD foam finger set.


Rookie 1
I have been able to sell cards just fine.
But there are some in my collection that have not sold for months.

106 Porzingis - 6 weeks
102 Stoudamire - 2 months
2 x 102 Jalen Rose - 2 months
103 Hardaway - 3 weeks

I have about 2 or 3 more that are unsold for a week or two now but i wouldn't call them unsalable yet.

all cards are 101-99,999,999 BID
I've been throwing them on AH on a 4/8/12/24 hour timer.

Nothing has worked.

Everyone else sells just fine within 2-5 tries max usually.


All-Star 1
I have been able to sell cards just fine.
But there are some in my collection that have not sold for months.

106 Porzingis - 6 weeks
102 Stoudamire - 2 months
2 x 102 Jalen Rose - 2 months
103 Hardaway - 3 weeks

I have about 2 or 3 more that are unsold for a week or two now but i wouldn't call them unsalable yet.

all cards are 101-99,999,999 BID
I've been throwing them on AH on a 4/8/12/24 hour timer.

Nothing has worked.

Everyone else sells just fine within 2-5 tries max usually.
I sold a 106 Porzingis a couple weeks ago with 101/999,999,999. It's all luck bc there's virtually no demand for those cards
The law of Supply and Demand doesn't include a Bot
Lol exactly we have a dictator instead. I don't think we've ever had real supply and demand. Even when the AH was "free" we still had coin sellers influence prices. Maybe only during the beta and that's it.


Rookie 1
I've been trying to sell Embiid since the 2nd day of my play for an upgrade.

I realised that the demand for some players are sooooooooooooooo low, whilst there are too many similar cards available, and what make it worse? Better players are available around 'smiliar price'.

It also happen now for the 104 high flyers player I just earned. Can't sell it these two days and I realised it will be just like my 104 Embiid and 104 Hield.

Basically you just need to be super lucky to make the bot click your card.
What's been working for me is 101 bid, & 99,999,999 bin...



Every card below 105 ovr I just put up for 101 bid and max bin. Works like a charm.


Rookie 1
The law of Supply and Demand doesn't include a Bot

Apparently it does, and should be. Bot here is just like government in every country that put price regulation for commodities, oil and shits, to prevent people from keeping stuffs for too long to create rarity, or simply, money laundering. It's all simply to make the situation remain 'controllable'.

However, some cards are really bad investment and got near to no value despite of its OVR rate, just like in real life market. Learn about used car price in Brazil, Thailand, Indonesia, to used car market in Australia, US and Europe. The shit regulator here? The first three that I mentioned. Where people are broke but used car price still too high. Lol

However, just like government of poor countries too... the bot in this game is pretty much like S***. It measures the 'acceptable' price of players based on its OVR, that's all and it doesn't factor anything else.

That's also why, at some points tho, sniping become possible for the 'lucky card'. For example? PF 106 Durant.

106 players price range is sooo wide, and that's what Bot in NBALM programmed (I believe). Starting bottom limit of 106 players are around 275k, whilst to top players still selling for $1.5 Million.

I've been earning over 2 millions of coins since yesterday from sniping 106 Durant, 107 Chris Paul, and 106 Harden, as well as 105 Kawhi. Why is it possible? All started from me nailing how this dumb bot works since 2 days ago. Durant for example, still selling for $300k by some players even buy now 350k-400k. It can be sold by 2 attempts for at least 500-560k. Easy 100k profit for 3 hours 🤣🤣

The price range of Court and Boost cards here giving beginner chance to move into the next level quick enough. Well, if they learn, like me.

Look at Raptor Finals card? It can be found as low as $30k, even buy now price less than 50k, yesterday only I snipe 9 of these cards below 100k. How much bot will buy it? I tried 200k and it works, why? Because it's platinum coach. The bot will take 200k as acceptable price, whilst in fact? Some people selling that card for $30 or 70k in average. Without really knowing the bot will automatically buy it for 200k.

Why the bot do this? Part of controlling the price effort. It doesn't want any platinum 'coach' goes too cheap.

Why I share this? I believe most of you already know how to snipe, and if you don't? Then start sniping now.


Rookie 1
Lol exactly we have a dictator instead. I don't think we've ever had real supply and demand. Even when the AH was "free" we still had coin sellers influence prices. Maybe only during the beta and that's it.

Oh yea... This game is exactly going like Venezuela too. It will last maybe 6 seasons. And boom, you all will realise how much time wasted playing this shit, giving money to 'dicto
What's been working for me is 101 bid, & 99,999,999 bin...
View attachment 2497
View attachment 2498
View attachment 2499

Every card below 105 ovr I just put up for 101 bid and max bin. Works like a charm.

Doesn't work for me bro been trying like this for a while.

Oh yea... This game is exactly going like Venezuela too. It will last maybe 6 seasons. And boom, you all will realise how much time wasted playing this shit, giving money to 'dicto

WTF. Venezuela would like to have a 20% of EA stock value... 😂 Also this game is banned there 🤷‍♂️

And you talk like is a must to spend in this game.
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Rookie 3
Ok wow, with all those new players eligible for auction, I have gone from 450K to about 10M coins.

I'm currently working towards 109 Kyrie/Durant and upgraded Westbrook to 109 today. I'm pretty set at SF with Kawhi and KD coming, same for PG with Westbrook and Kyrie.

My weakest positions are C and SG. At center I have Ayton, Admiral and Duncan. At SG I currently have Oladipo and Barrett. I'm leaning towards 109 Butler is I can get him for about 3.5M.

Because of the current promo, I'm also thinking of switching from balanced to defensive. Which boost item is best for a defensive lineup? Is NBA All-Defensive worth it for 2M or are there better options?


All-Star 1
Because of the current promo, I'm also thinking of switching from balanced to defensive. Which boost item is best for a defensive lineup? Is NBA All-Defensive worth it for 2M or are there better options?
All-Defensive is a good boost item but if you want a "free" option I think Boomer is grindable thru Arena (if you're playing it).
Ok wow, with all those new players eligible for auction, I have gone from 450K to about 10M coins.

I'm currently working towards 109 Kyrie/Durant and upgraded Westbrook to 109 today. I'm pretty set at SF with Kawhi and KD coming, same for PG with Westbrook and Kyrie.

My weakest positions are C and SG. At center I have Ayton, Admiral and Duncan. At SG I currently have Oladipo and Barrett. I'm leaning towards 109 Butler is I can get him for about 3.5M.

Because of the current promo, I'm also thinking of switching from balanced to defensive. Which boost item is best for a defensive lineup? Is NBA All-Defensive worth it for 2M or are there better options?
It goes for 2mil!? That's crazy! I didnt know it was that expensive. Off to the AH mine goes.


Rookie 3
All-Defensive is a good boost item but if you want a "free" option I think Boomer is grindable thru Arena (if you're playing it).
Arena is too laggy for me, so I don't play it. Would love to get my hands on Boomer though. Any other way to get him?


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