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All star reserves


Rookie 1
Not sure if this sites been abandoned or not but posting anyway.
Does anyone know if the all star reserves 89+ have bonus stars boost? Or only the $50 ones from store have boost?


Rookie 1
Dunno... But would it even pay out to you, spending 6.5k stars on them (''random'' 89-91 most probably 89 player) -the ''promo'' lasts only 7 days. -From play you get maximum 900 stars a day, before boost. The boosts do not apply to 3k or 2k stars from sets....


Rookie 1
Thanks for the response. For others who might wonder. Only the exclusive reserves give star point boosts. I ended up pulling a 90 with no boosts from a different pack.


Rookie 1
Hi, so what happens is that you unlock the event which you have to play to get the boost. It is the event next to the Master Chance Pack


Rookie 1
Hey HawkFalcon787 HawkFalcon787 - I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was asking about the 89 reserve to see if it had star boosts. But it doesn’t. Only the exclusive ones for USD $50 give boost. But I instead bought the USD $10 today with Boost. And typical EA, the boost isn’t currently working in the All Star events. Face palm

where is this event next to master chance pack? And for that matter, where’d Id the chance pack event?

If you mean the 24 hour rest all star challenge that gives a pack then I already have that. And don’t see another event next to it.


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Rookie 1
Anyone who knows if buying a master from the auction house is counted as claiming one master to unlock the grandmasters (born or kd)?


Rookie 1
Only getting them from event (using star points) or master chance packs. Auction house does not count. per an FB group I’m on.


Rookie 1
Hey HawkFalcon787 HawkFalcon787 - I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was asking about the 89 reserve to see if it had star boosts. But it doesn’t. Only the exclusive ones for USD $50 give boost. But I instead bought the USD $10 today with Boost. And typical EA, the boost isn’t currently working in the All Star events. Face palm

where is this event next to master chance pack? And for that matter, where’d Id the chance pack event?

If you mean the 24 hour rest all star challenge that gives a pack then I already have that. And don’t see another event next to it.
It is that star event right there. but now they justg gave me three jerseys for completing an event


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