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Cheating Leagues Thread


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Anyone that says how to do a competition mode glitch will get banned indefinitely because we don't condone the spread of glitches done by users that negatively affect other users

Here is a place to put all the cheating accusations the league I run of the same name as this site just ran up against Turkish Warriors who did the 100% shooting glitch which results in very high manual scores for the one that did it and also high AI scores the one it is done on for example scores of 50-24 in 2 quarters by the guilty party


Rookie 1

League Name : The King Abusing .
Rank : 10 say's on the league versus league but on leaderboard they are around 60-75 .

This league we faced is using that 100% glitch for sure by making a differential of +41 (only 78 overall against 78 overall).
They started accusing our league fisrt by saying that we are cheaters and then they started abusing it as per their league's name.
I Just lost interest in this game.

Here is the proof :




NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
ow come on.. the glitch is no where near what last years was!

we are talking +25-40 pts max..

Cheating is cheating even if it only adds 10-25 points to what their scores would usually be and until this is fixed (Asros said they're working on it) it is an issue and when that is fixed there will be another cheat discovered like always every time they match a cheat a new one is discovered I wouldn't have said anything if the scores all of them gave up to the AI wasn't obvious


Rookie 1
Cheating is cheating even if it only adds 10-25 points to what their scores would ?
like this
cheating is cheating


Rookie 3
74 in 4 qtrs ;)

there is a difference between a glitch and a cheat, this is clearly a glitch, as right now the max 3pt is 66-68%, so the "glitch" is allowing an additional 10 to maybe 15pts per game..

of the 19 gms so far, we are finding there is more inactivity in opponents than last season, today, our opponent may play their full quota for the first time.

last years was a cheat, due to its difficulty and complexity of execution


All-Star 3
exactly.. if this is a 'cheat' so is k3 of season 1.. if u normally go to a spot and shoot a 3 and now it goes in.. how is that a cheat.. so ur supposed to purposely score low...???
i understand it is unfair.. but if its ur normal gameplay why should u change it?
plus when ur facing a league how do you know if their members arent having the GLITCH.. losing to them when u have it doesnt seem to make sense...
another thing... which people seem to forget is the ai also makes their shots if left uncontested.. actually had a 100% glitch quarter with the scoreline 25-18.. couldnt get steals and they made everything...


Rookie 3
i dont understand...
are you saying that if the player plays his qtr with the glitch, theyre AI qtr is also glitched???
ie the AI qtr shoots 100% also??


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
74 in 4 qtrs ;)

there is a difference between a glitch and a cheat, this is clearly a glitch, as right now the max 3pt is 66-68%, so the "glitch" is allowing an additional 10 to maybe 15pts per game..

of the 19 gms so far, we are finding there is more inactivity in opponents than last season, today, our opponent may play their full quota for the first time.

last years was a cheat, due to its difficulty and complexity of execution

When being done on purpose and amongst every member of the league then it is a cheat going from 539 points on a league in the last tournament with 60 quarters played amongst both leagues to 690 in this tournament with the same amount of quarters played between both leagues makes it clear it was done on purpose

The score from 2 days ago in the 60 total quarters played was 509-539 (we won) to the next tournament of the same amount being a 784-690 loss (despite no big change in scores from my fellow members) with almost every one of them scoring 50-71 points total is no coincidence


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
i dont understand...
are you saying that if the player plays his qtr with the glitch, theyre AI qtr is also glitched???
ie the AI qtr shoots 100% also??

Yes the AI makes almost every shot possible which causes high AI scores


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
exactly.. if this is a 'cheat' so is k3 of season 1.. if u normally go to a spot and shoot a 3 and now it goes in.. how is that a cheat.. so ur supposed to purposely score low...???
i understand it is unfair.. but if its ur normal gameplay why should u change it?
plus when ur facing a league how do you know if their members arent having the GLITCH.. losing to them when u have it doesnt seem to make sense...
another thing... which people seem to forget is the ai also makes their shots if left uncontested.. actually had a 100% glitch quarter with the scoreline 25-18.. couldnt get steals and they made everything...

K3 wasn't that simple though and yes it does make the AI shoot very well which is the dead giveaway but abusing a glitch is cheating so yes purposely doing this, K3, FC, etc. is a cheat when you take a flaw in the game due to coding error then using it to take advantage of other users


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Great idea for a thread Stewie, we know EA look in here occasionally so hopefully they?ll hand out some bans.

Sadly when o finally caught on to the cheating that happened in our most recent tournament it was already too late to screenshot anything besides the final score I wish I was able to show the huge AI scores all of them gave up but the fact that we scored way more in tournament then we have in any other one should be enough


All-Star 3
Great idea for a thread Stewie, we know EA look in here occasionally so hopefully they?ll hand out some bans.

Sadly when o finally caught on to the cheating that happened in our most recent tournament it was already too late to screenshot anything besides the final score I wish I was able to show the huge AI scores all of them gave up but the fact that we scored way more in tournament then we have in any other one should be enough

All the members of the team did it.. that's means they figured out how to get the glitch for all..??
So what do ur league members do when they hVe the glitch..?
The thing I dont get is what am I supposed to do when I have the glitch.. if normally I shoot only 3s and dont take layups.. and if I take only layups and my league loses.. isnt that wrong too.. hence why i dont consider it cheating.. even though i get ur point..


Rookie 3
you play one part of the game prior to playing another part of the game and then its considered "cheating"??

stewie.. in super mario 1, did you play the game all the way through or did you use the 'secret' tunnels occasionally?? :D :D

baning players for this glitch use is EXTREME


Pro 1
you play one part of the game prior to playing another part of the game and then its considered "cheating"??

stewie.. in super mario 1, did you play the game all the way through or did you use the 'secret' tunnels occasionally?? :D :D

baning players for this glitch use is EXTREME

Lmao stop trying to glorify this, it?s an unfair aspect of the game and if you defend it you make yourself look worse.


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