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Sharpshooter, Locksdown, and Street Difference


Rookie 1
Hi all,

I'm new in nba live game. I play still less than one month.
And i have one question that i very curious. What is the difference between, sharpshooter, lockdown, and street?

Means that, what is the impact to the player that have that type?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It depends on who you ask some see slight differences others see no differences


Rookie 2
Sharshooter almost don't play defense. And maybe you cant switch properly on d. Your big man just stands there.


Rookie 1
For me, the Street Lineup is the best out of the three. The defense is good, and most of all, switches to the man with the ball.


Pro 2
For me, the Street Lineup is the best out of the three. The defense is good, and most of all, switches to the man with the ball.

Same with LD. It’s only Sharp that just switches between pg & sg (for the most part) in EA’s ill-conceived version of a zone defense. It was a really odd thing to do as SS was the dominant LU and was used by most. Now, few use SS in lvl. It’s mostly Street, followed by LD, and a big drop off to SS which some still swear by.

at the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter anymore, because EA is hitting us over the head with the reality that the game decides when you can play well or play like crap. If they could figure out the source code, which they can’t, maybe it would be different.


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