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your progress after 2 days


Rookie 3

ive settled for almost 48hrs on this team..
buddy and kawhi (thanks for the glitch EA 4 getting him early) are great from the elbows

- academy (obviously)
- rookies (finished and sold Pop str8 away)
- legacy
- almost S1 of seasons

we have lost 1 league member so far, and 3 are on the cusp, if the amount of pay2play remains.. personally, its a little too much too early.. i get they need to make money, but straight of the bat its like WACK! WACK WACK!


All-Star 1
Does anyone have a 77+ OVR without spending any money or existing NBA Cash ?

This would be a tall feat and require some massive amount of luck with card pulls. I got to 75 before I pulled the trigger on the 3499 cash pack. Even with that it took me until today to reach 78 (my goal was to unlock the additional NBA Today events). I?d say their strategy is working how they want, the only question is how many players will stick around?!


Pro 1
Does anyone have a 77+ OVR without spending any money or existing NBA Cash ?

I'm 78 ovr for a bit already, and without a refill stemming from the SD stamina <40 issue I would have more cash than I had at the start.

But I kinda fail the 'existing nba cash' since I had spent s2 free cash in those that gave a 90ovr then and pro packs at the start of this season.

That said, my only good pulls (let's set the bar at 75+) so far were the two 77s from those transition pro-packs. and the elite Kevin Love from the pro pack that came from SD points in the league.

The rest is coming from the AH.


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