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Wrong Starting Bid and Buy now? :(


Rookie 1
Hey guysss... I've been trying out different combinations of start BID and Buy now but nothing is working lol. Any TIPS?


so yah no luck posted the card like 1000xxx still wont sell.. any advice on Starting bid and buy? Thanks in advance! :)


Rookie 1
I have the same issue...I have Ben Simmons that I tried to sell but no one buys...honestly I could use him as my pg but I want lebron so bad


Rookie 1
I bought him for like 3.7m and I’m just trying to make some 100k profit off him...

damnn ill buy that card for 5million no problem lol... ima give a few more tries and sell my card for 3.5 mil buy now screw it if i lose coins its w.e but yah good luck bro!

Try your Buy now 4.1 maybe.... tbh this is the 2nd best PG in the game, Lebron and simmons are the best PGS right now both manual and AI.. i would keep the card :) Ben Simmons is soooo good in guarding any PG. im using the 105 simmons in all my alt accounts that are 105 ovr. avging +25 vs 109 overall in LVL. Keep him <3
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Rookie 1
damnn ill buy that card for 5million no problem lol... ima give a few more tries and sell my card for 3.5 mil buy now screw it if i lose coins its w.e but yah good luck bro!

Try your Buy now 4.1 maybe.... tbh this is the 2nd best PG in the game, Lebron and simmons are the best PGS right now both manual and AI.. i would keep the card :) Ben Simmons is soooo good in guarding any PG. im using the 105 simmons in all my alt accoun ts that are 105 ovr. avging +25 vs 109 overall in LVL. Keep him <3
the thing is that I want that lebron really bad. I bought Simmons because I’m on ah for like 2 days and I’m not able to get lebron. Since selling him will give me enough coin to buy lebron, I seriously wanna sell him


All-Star 1
BIN needs to be just under 4.1 mil. Bid can be as high as 3.8 mil....... In my experience this week at least


Rookie 1
the thing is that I want that lebron really bad. I bought Simmons because I’m on ah for like 2 days and I’m not able to get lebron. Since selling him will give me enough coin to buy lebron, I seriously wanna sell him

I hear u, i really have to sell my duncan as well :( i only have 100k coins left i need coins badly. at this point ill even settle for 3.5 mi to sell. suks but o well. But your Card is more valuable than my Duncan. You should be able to sell yours minimum of 4mil.
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Rookie 1
I hear u, i really have to sell my duncan as well :( i only have 100k coins left i need coins badly. at this point ill even settle for 3.5 mi to sell. suks but o well. But your Card is more valuable than my Duncan. You should be able to sell yours minimum of 4mil.
YEa I’m trying to sell him as soon as possible bc this card can lose value really fast after everyone has him. I’ll try bid at 3.7m and buy now at 4.1m next time


All-Star 1
The Bot will add around 20% or more to your Bid and Bin. So you'll see something sell for 4.3 mil BIN but it was prob only posted for 4 mil by the seller. You have to hit the #s right in order for the Bot to mirror your listing. If you surpass the high end limit or the low end limit #s, it won't be mirrored


Rookie 1
The Bot will add around 20% to your Bid and Bin. So you'll see something sell for 4.3 mil BIN but it was prob only posted for 4 mil by the seller. You have to hit the #s right in order for the Bot to mirror your listing.
I see. Thanks so much! I’ll try to put Simmons for 3.7m on bid and 4.1m on buy now. Hopefully it’s gonna work


All-Star 1
I'd try 3.5 mil BIN and 4 mil BIN. Don't worry about the bid, it'll get snapped up on a BIN sale anyways. Keep the BIN low enough to guarantee that it sells.


Rookie 1
The Bot will add around 20% or more to your Bid and Bin. So you'll see something sell for 4.3 mil BIN but it was prob only posted for 4 mil by the seller. You have to hit the #s right in order for the Bot to mirror your listing. If you surpass the high end limit or the low end limit #s, it won't be mirrored

Very well explained brother!!! thx.


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