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World Tour Compaign


Rookie 1
Event 3 in Australia of World Tour it says first to 10 wins but as you can see the scoreboard is jacked up from the start..as soon as it begins the opponent shoots and misses then the loss screen comes up


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Rookie 1
Event 3 in Australia of World Tour it says first to 10 wins but as you can see the scoreboard is jacked up from the start..as soon as it begins the opponent shoots and misses then the loss screen comes up
I think it's because you have to score 10 pts in 1 minute. Maybe you didn't do so?


Rookie 1
It’s not. The event is broken. It loads the event then ends in less than 2s. Forcing a loss every time.


All-Star 1
Has this happened for anyone to else?
I know someone that was able to do this too. I think it was a glitch when KD was first released. If you upgraded him right away you could get to the higher stamina amount and then when they changed it, they just added another KD but still had a higher stamina threshold (500 then 300 and now only 150). The irony is they obviously wanted to limit the stamina you could upgrade and by implementing this change some users are getting 800 stamina daily.🙄


Rookie 2
Do anybody upgrade theirs KD to recruit to level 4 yet? I upgraded mine and suddenly i have 2 level 3 KD 😂😂😂. One ive 300 stamina and one give 500.
How'd you get the second KD? Am I missing something? traced back other choices in the promo and found no other KD. Thanks


Rookie 1
How'd you get the second KD? Am I missing something? traced back other choices in the promo and found no other KD. Thanks
I just upgraded him when he was level 3 (well.. he still is). Thought it would've made him a level 4. End up with 2 level 3 KD. It's not something I do. Guess it's just a bug/glitch or something. Still have both and still don't know if it's gonna be a problem.


Rookie 2
I just upgraded him when he was level 3 (well.. he still is). Thought it would've made him a level 4. End up with 2 level 3 KD. It's not something I do. Guess it's just a bug/glitch or something. Still have both and still don't know if it's gonna be a problem.
800 Stamina is a nice glitch to have bro if in fact it is one. Maybe its just the way they upgrade KD to level 4? Who knows with EA.


All-Star 1
800 Stamina is a nice glitch to have bro if in fact it is one. Maybe its just the way they upgrade KD to level 4? Who knows with EA.
Well it was only possible for a short time. Perhaps they will add a lvl 4 later but for now the glitch is closed.


Rookie 1
800 Stamina is a nice glitch to have bro if in fact it is one. Maybe its just the way they upgrade KD to level 4? Who knows with EA.
That's 'who knows with EA' is the problem bro 😂. The possibilities of what they gonna do to 'rebalancing' is bugging me off. But since it's out of my control anyway.. i just enjoy this extra stamina🤷


All-Star 3
Why would you even quote that? Its a month old post and you didn't even respond to my question.
Congrats on your progress though
I'm a 106 at 93k and I'm sure I'm way behind
1. Store ad packs
2. Recruit.. if u train up morris. Gives 200/day at level 3
2. Cash?


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