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Wondering which flashback player i should pick up.


Rookie 1
Should i get the flashback Lebron PG or flashback Serge ibaka? My Power forward has a 41 3 pointer while Serge has a 84,also better speed,shooting and higher OVR. Meanwhile my current PG is 89 westbrook with 87 curry on the bench.

So,which one should i get?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
If you want to shoot with your PG then LeBron isn't a good choice as he misses a lot if you want to shoot with your PF then Ibaka is a good one to go for if you are playing fine right now you could wait until a great one comes out


Rookie 1
At first i thought i fucked up by picking up ariza 2 weeks ago but after i saw lebrons stats i concluded that i made the right choice.


All-Star 3
If u use ur pf for shooting then ibaka is a good card.. if not i would suggest hold on to ue tokens..
If u really are not haooy with westbrook or curry s defence then ya lebron would be a good defensive upgrade
LeBron is a solid card. I played against him in SD and he was respectable. Others have commented on how well he played for them, particularly guarding Curry. I think he?s like for like if you already have Westbrook and Curry but LeBron at the point is always strong. Ibaka sounds like a better upgrade for your lineup. The price on KG is falling sharply, however.
NONE! Wait for a 90+. You could end up using your tokens now only to have a 90ovr released in a week or two. Save, save, save lol


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