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Rookie 1
They don’t have the rights to him. Along with kobe, Kareem, and some others. They are on 2k tho.
so EA has to ask for permission to put him in the game? But for kobe, and kareem they had in season 1 cuz kobe went for like 1.5 mil as a 84 ovr in szn 1


Rookie 1
so EA has to ask for permission to put him in the game? But for kobe, and kareem they had in season 1 cuz kobe went for like 1.5 mil as a 84 ovr in szn 1
Yeah he only got an 84 cuz They lost the rights to him and couldn’t give him another card.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
They've never had MJ, Kareem (later signed with 2K), Reggie Miller, or Barkley the big names that didn't want to be in video games or wanted too much but in 2010 2K reached a deal with MJ to get his exclusive image rights in video games they later featured him on the 2K11 (built the game around him, 2K12, and 2K16 (legend edition) covers

In order to use a player on a product you intend on making money from you must have permission from the person but players in the NBPA union all have their right grouped together for big projects like video games while retired players get to control who is allowed to use their image a lot of them do deals in a group hence why you will see the same groups of players every year on every game while others like to do it individually


Rookie 1
I don't understand why some of them just won't give permission.

I get MJ probably signed an exclusive contract with 2k. But, have EA actually asked him? or just assume it would be too expensive? It happened back with NBA JAM when both Jordan and Gary Payton asked why they weren't included? Next thing they knew, they had thier own machines sent to them with them on it.

Barkley I get just doesn't understand video games and is an idiot not giving permission.

But what is the deal with Kareem & Miller?


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
I don't understand why some of them just won't give permission.

I get MJ probably signed an exclusive contract with 2k. But, have EA actually asked him? or just assume it would be too expensive? It happened back with NBA JAM when both Jordan and Gary Payton asked why they weren't included? Next thing they knew, they had thier own machines sent to them with them on it.

Barkley I get just doesn't understand video games and is an idiot not giving permission.

But what is the deal with Kareem & Miller?
Jordan's 2K contract is why EA can't ask even if they wanted to pay the hefty price as for the others they won't do it for free and they just don't feel like paying for every single player in history plus it becomes too many players for the game


Rookie 1
Jordan's 2K contract is why EA can't ask even if they wanted to pay the hefty price as for the others they won't do it for free and they just don't feel like paying for every single player in history plus it becomes too many players for the game
Yeah, but the point is why do they want individual contracts? I get MJ, and Barkley is just a dumbass when it comes to licensing, but guys like Miller and Kareem, it's not like they are going to get offers for a solo game or anything much based around them in particular, so why they don't just say fine, allow my image to be used with 95% of the others in games, current and retired. It's not like those guys have the endorsment deals like MJ or Kobe etc. So what's their deal ya know? Yes, they're legends. All time greats etc... but when it comes to their licensing, they're nothing special... and should know that pretty much only MJ could get his own separate entity in video games, like that God awful Chaos in windy city, or jordan or Barkleys poor man's versions of NBA jam. Hell, even Shaq realised it's not worth it after Shaq Fu lol.

I can't see any developer going to Miller or Kareem and be able to say with a straight face they want them to star in a new game based around either of them. The most they'd get is a monthly master or superstar, nothing that will be a staple on their legacies or anything really special. It just makes no sense to want an individual contract.


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