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What you got there !?


Rookie 1
Let me know what you got from exchange your elite highlight reel token ?
With SS if you have



All-Star 3
Pulled a 107 curry from the 104 set.. Sold for 3.99 mill...
Read that people pulled LeBron and AD from the same set..


Rookie 1
Pulled a 107 curry from the 104 set.. Sold for 3.99 mill...
Read that people pulled LeBron and AD from the same set..

What a luck, lol it's mean better i bet with 104 sets than 107 sets since some pulled great from 104 sets


All-Star 3
Really ? You can get 110s out of the 107 set ? I am just using mine for draft points
The promo gives a lot of draft points. So not using them for that.. though once u reach rank 1 u get the gifts for season 4.. so it's a trade of ..

Haven't seen a screenshot of 110 pulls.. have seen 109s from the 104 and 107 sets


Rookie 1
The promo gives a lot of draft points. So not using them for that.. though once u reach rank 1 u get the gifts for season 4.. so it's a trade of ..

Wow, what are the "gifts" for season 4? (Nevermind I looked it up like a non-lazy FR thanks!)


Rookie 1
Just try 104+ sets twice on my 2nd and 3rd account and pulled this on second chance, since the first chance not pulled good one (on both accounts) so don't take a screenshot.


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Rookie 1
Pulled 109 The Process from the Double Token set (100-109), and in another pulled both 107 Jokic and 109 Ben Simmons.

That said the other 8 pulls netted nothing but 100's and 101's.

I was thankful for the approx. 5 mil in coins from the sale of the Process and Ben


Pro 2
The promo gives a lot of draft points. So not using them for that.. though once u reach rank 1 u get the gifts for season 4.. so it's a trade of ..

Haven't seen a screenshot of 110 pulls.. have seen 109s from the 104 and 107 sets
I’ve used this pack a lot. Got several 109s, including GT Giannis, Iverson w boost. Also 108 Zion w boost. All immediately put in ah.


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