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What should I do?


Rookie 1
I play this game for fun, so OVR doesn't matter to me. Hence, as a diehard Spurs fan, I felt the need to get the 102 OVR Lone Star Demar (Which BTW, the 3 of THE BEST players in NBALM are San Antonio Shooting Guards? I'll take that lol). In my AH, there's been not a single NBA Lineup Demar under 20 mill when I've checked, but there's been a lot of Classic Power 102 Demars for good prices. I'd like the NBA Lineup one. But since the packs are gone, I got a classic one for 16 Mill just in case one never appeared again.

Should I sell my classic 102 Demar and pray for an NBA lineup one to fall out of the sky one day in the AH at a reasonable price? Or sinec supply has stopped, there's pretty much on chance I get it anymore? IK it's not the most urgent thing, but Idk what to do

Or, If I want to use Demar so badly, I guess I could just use Classic lineup? But seems like NBA Lineup is used far more and much more important...


All-Star 3
Keep the classic for now.. once higher cards come out someone will sell the nba lineup one.. then buy him back..
On the flip side sell the classic one when his value is high. Build up coin so u have it ready to buy the nba one


Rookie 1
Keep the classic for now.. once higher cards come out someone will sell the nba lineup one.. then buy him back..
On the flip side sell the classic one when his value is high. Build up coin so u have it ready to buy the nba one

Would you say his value is highest now then?


All-Star 3
Im not an expert on the ah.. but since the ovr of cards will keep raising on a weekly basis I guess from now .. plus the fact he is a classic card so less in demand I would say so .
U could overprice him and keep coming down 250k and c what happens..


Rookie 1
Im not an expert on the ah.. but since the ovr of cards will keep raising on a weekly basis I guess from now .. plus the fact he is a classic card so less in demand I would say so .
U could overprice him and keep coming down 250k and c what happens..

Cool! I'll do that- Thanks!


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