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Welcome to New York Promo


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I didn't think we would get Sabrina Ionescu card let alone a promo with her as the only true master but here we are lmao


Pro 2
So far I heard theres a issue, I have ent started the promo yet but any word on what's going on with the no ads?


Rookie 1
Yeah I have been experiencing problems with ads for a while now, with max ads 1 per day if I am lucky, but after the update, hoping that this will be fixed and seeing the box that enabled you to see ads, I left it checked, but I still can't see ads. I uninstalled and reinstalled, but the problem is still occurring. Anyone know what is happening?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
The problem with ads is from he update I had no issue with ads, scouting teams, or any of the issues talked about yesterday because until this promo dropped the update wasn't mandatory but now that it is in order to open the game we are all experiencing these issues until EA fixes them


Rookie 3
Haven’t experienced any of the mentioned issues even after the update, but some says changing the language in the settings fix the ad issue


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I can now turn on an ad and open a different app then return to he game when said ad would finish and get credit for watching it while I was just messing with another app for 30 seconds it used to not count that time spent and even sometimes kick me out of he ad and stop showing them to me until I closed the game and reset my ad ID


Rookie 1

Just started grinding the game after a long break from before the end of S3 (ended with 105 OVR Lineup), and I found the last promo pretty grindable (I could only play the last 3 days and was able to get the 102 (+4 Block to C) Yao Ming, got all the Arena Masters, went up to a 99 NMS a few hours ago. Unfortunately, missed on the free 98 McGrady Timeline Master.

While this event would get me a lot of upgrades (a few 99, 100s and 101s), this isn't nearly as decent and grindable as the previous promo. I don't think Durant is grindable, and 99 Lonescu is pointless. I plan to grind it up till 23k first, see how long it takes me, and probably spare some stamina on the Select Packs in Arena.

P.S., I hope some of you from the GG remember me.

Edit: Have been playing daily for the last 3 days.


Rookie 3
I can't scout, I get no ads, and the glitch stamina from arena is no longer working, anyone doing anything to fix that


Rookie 2
Honestly is this promo even worth it to grind? 102 KD is like impossible for no money spent, and Lonescu doesn’t even seem that good. 102 Harden seems like a better point guard than her

Gulley 85

Rookie 1
I can now turn on an ad and open a different app then return to he game when said ad would finish and get credit for watching it while I was just messing with another app for 30 seconds it used to not count that time spent and even sometimes kick me out of he ad and stop showing them to me until I closed the game and reset my ad ID
Hey buddy it didn't work for me did u just change it to English?


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