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UNITED BALLERZ CLUB needs new members!!! Come help us Top 200 all 3 seasons!


Rookie 2
First of all thank to all the mods and people behind the scenes who make this site run. Through it, our league was able to get some awesome high level members who play every day. After being 108 S1 and somewhere in the top 200 S2, we were hovering most of this year in the high 100s low 200s. Finally, we went on a major run winning about 22/25 games and beating some really good teams. Yesterday we apparently were ranked 99, today I woke up to see us at 96!!!

To me, being in the top 100 is really cool because there are so many good players and teams. As we saw last year many cheat, many team up and to even be in that top 100 ranking means you are pretty solid. Big shout to everyone who has been part of our squad along the way and who turned down invites from higher ranked leagues to make the journey worth it.

We are now in a battle with the #66 ranked team, they are pretty nasty. Team name is in an Asian language so IDK who they are but it's gonna be a tough battle!
Congrats, welcome to hell lol. Being in the top 100 the matchups get crazy! Were currently playing a squad of ALL 101 ovrs and we have only one 101 with a 97ovr on the team. Looking forward to playing yall sometime.


Rookie 2
Congrats, welcome to hell lol. Being in the top 100 the matchups get crazy! Were currently playing a squad of ALL 101 ovrs and we have only one 101 with a 97ovr on the team. Looking forward to playing yall sometime.

Hahaha, thanks. Yea top 100 matchups are tough, we have only won 1-2 and tied a team ranked #55. We have a 102, 101 and abt 7 100s but we also have a few 97/98 and a few bench guys in the mid 90s. Gonna probably be a loss but we are right there with the bubble teams.


Rookie 3
We have slid from 60 to 120 in a week... All we have gotten are top 40 teams.. and all 100+ ovr.. it's insane in the top 100 atm..


Rookie 2
We have slid from 60 to 120 in a week... All we have gotten are top 40 teams.. and all 100+ ovr.. it's insane in the top 100 atm..
OH man, that is a rough slide but yea top 100 teams especially like 80 and better are nearly impossible when they are loaded

Are you guys open to some new members? I used to be in UBC, but I'm ready to rejoin. (IGN was Marco).
We have a great group, not opposed to members but gotta play daily and be in it for the long haul


Rookie 2
After many matches vs top 100 teams we got knocked back to 150. Looking for strong 103+ members to help us back to the top 100! pm me as other admin may reject invitations or applications.


Rookie 1
Yeah we are sitting just inside the top 200. Lovely match up with a top 50 team who has 13 - 105's, and their other 6 guys aren't too shabby at 104.

Our low are 103's but we are getting absolutely destroyed.


Pro 2
We are about to crack top 120 (if we can beat the same top 50 team two days in a row!). The matchups are intense and close. Can’t remember the last time we got an easy one. I’ve been on the same league since last July. For me lvl requires a good mix of competitiveness and fun. No one likes losing but I was on a couple leagues where it got ugly often. F### that. I get lots of invites only because of my teams ovr. Couple times teams like Conquer & Fist-Ful sent in “scouts” to recruit on our league chat. Pretty sleazy tactic. I’m an admin so they got a swift boot.


Rookie 1
It's fun to go head to head at LvL but things get a little bit boring when you happen to face cheating team. 😴 Let's just enjoy the game. 😉


Rookie 2
We are about to crack top 120 (if we can beat the same top 50 team two days in a row!). The matchups are intense and close. Can’t remember the last time we got an easy one. I’ve been on the same league since last July. For me lvl requires a good mix of competitiveness and fun. No one likes losing but I was on a couple leagues where it got ugly often. F### that. I get lots of invites only because of my teams ovr. Couple times teams like Conquer & Fist-Ful sent in “scouts” to recruit on our league chat. Pretty sleazy tactic. I’m an admin so they got a swift boot.

We had one team send scouts over and try to pull our top ranked player, didn't work though.


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