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Upgrading spaceball players


Rookie 3
Is everyone just playing the 25 stamina getting one token over and over again should you upgrade one player to try to bring in past 68 or upgrade multiple players at the same time?


Rookie 3
Is everyone upgrading players to get them to 68? Or waiting on something else and just collecting token top grade? Secondary question in the lineup I have all my players now passed 68 however the overall still says 65 is it reflecting of the bench? The elite 85 players for 150 NBA cash can they be used instead of upgrading the players?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
You have to upgrade the players in order to progress in the promo and get master cards


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It doesn't matter either way because you have to train cards no matter what especially the starters and I'm merging this thread with your other one because it's essentially the same premise Pasasee Pasasee


Rookie 3
It doesn't matter either way because you have to train cards no matter what especially the starters and I'm merging this thread with your other one because it's essentially the same premise Pasasee Pasasee
So just to clarify I cannot buy the 85 + players from the pack in place of training the players?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
So just to clarify I cannot buy the 85 + players from the pack in place of training the players?
You can buy the masters but if you're talking about the 85+ player pack no that's just a random 85+ elite they aren't eligible for the promo lineup


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