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Unfair loss of fans when Showdown games crash


Rookie 1
I'm getting frustrated with the amount of times recently when Showdown games crash either mid-game or whilst loading, and then being penalised as it says that I forfeited the game and losing 8000 fans. It's not fair and needs to be rectified as losing the 20 stamina is bad enough when it crashes, but penalising people because they are deemed to have forfeited the game when it's not their fault is unacceptable.


Rookie 1
Blame all the people who used to force close to win a game, EA had to patch it and penalize all the people who force close.


Rookie 1
I'm fine (in some sense) with the loss and forfeit since there's no continue match option like in league, but what is really annoying is the excessive loss of fans.
-8000 is just unreasonable especially since forfeits now come from game crashes.
something like -2000 sounds more fair to me.

When is the last time you lost a completed match at any score and lost more than 2000 fans?
I personally haven't. shouldn't some figure like that be the penalty cap instead?


Rookie 2
They made the penalty high to avoid intentional quitting. There was a time where people just quit on each other simultaneously gain 8000 fans. Lose 2000. No need to play


Rookie 1
Not only the crashes but the "Couldnt connect to server" shit, "Resource Down!oad Error", " Something Unexpectedly Went Wrong", "Maintenance Underway" something like that, they all get you penalized with forfeiture loss (-8K fans)...Since i started playing showdown last year 'til now it has yet to be fixed....I dont think they can tell if the user really forced closed, game crashed, unable to connect to server etc, so in order to get players to get in line they just generalized all the reason stated as "Force Closing" hence the penalty....


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